The summer break for Congress has started and no comprehensive immigration bill is going forward. ?Of course it seems that the Republicans will not support any bill that shows a smidgen of humanity when dealing...
The United States Supreme Court heard arguments from Texas’ Attorney General Ken Paxton, a Republican, against President Barack Obama’s 2014 executive action on immigration on April 18, according to Reuters. The programs in question are the Deferred...
Hey, have you heard the detailed plan Donald Trump has for America once he's elected? You haven't? Probably because he doesn't have one.
The highlight of the Trump campaign so far is how incredibly vague he...
There is a Republican currently running for the Texas House of Representatives. He is heavily relying on a platform that cracks down on immigrants. His campaign website states that Texas needs to "turn off the...
Ted Cruz angered his Republican colleagues today for his rush to challenge President Obama's executive action on immigration.
The move made little sense to most, since ?the GOP lacks the votes to stop Obama on immigration...
I'm sure you remember when Donald Trump (R-N.Y.) told us that Mexico is sending us its criminals and rapists during his announcement he was running for president. Since that memorable moment, Trump has also laid...
The migrant crisis wages on and as the international issue persists approximately 700 people were killed in a shipwreck this past week in the Mediterranean. The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees reported that about 14,000 people were...
Several tech companies are responding to President Donald Trump's travel ban, with figureheads in Silicon Valley allegedly penning a letter to urge his administration to be aware of the ban's ramifications. In the draft, the...
Ben Carson said Sunday that he would not allow any Syrian refugees into the United States and that anyone with "big frontal lobes" in their brain could easily see the folly of letting any refugees...
Trump Spokesperson Tells Fox News Immigration Flip-Flop Is All Obama’s Fault (VIDEO)
Liberal America
Depending on what day you asked him this week, Donald Trump either backed away from his hardline position on deporting 11 million people or he just changed the wording to better reflect his actual intent....
815 million people around the world went hungry last year.
This, according to the latest data from the United Nations, is the first increase in global hunger in more than 15 years.
Sweeping initiatives from nations all...
While 31 governors--the majority of them in the South--have said they don't want Syrian refugees in their state, one governor is going against that trend and saying those fleeing the Syrian civil war and ISIS...
WATCH: The Moment Rep. Luis Gutiérrez Walked Out On ‘Explicitly Racist’ Trump’s SOTU Address
Tiffany Willis Clark
Soon to retire, Rep. Luis Gutiérrez of Illinois could handle no more of Pres. Donald Trump's first State of the Union address on Tuesday before standing up and leaving. Quickly. I'd say "stormed out" but...
Trump Spokesperson Tries To Defend Immigration Change, Gets Laughed At On-Air (VIDEO)
Liberal America
Last night at a town hall meeting broadcast on Fox News, GOP Presidential nominee Donald Trump did a complete 180 degree turn when he said he will not deport 11 million Hispanic immigrants from the...
Support For Trump’s Wall Crumbling Under The Weight Of Humpty Dumpty (TWEETS/VIDEO)
Danielle Hartshorn
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has repeatedly said he'll build a wall between the United States and Mexico. It's part of his plan to prevent people from entering our country illegally, and his supporters have been...
Google, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, 93 Other Tech Companies File Legal Brief Against Trump Ban (VIDEO)
R.L. Paine
The presidency of Donald Trump is sending shock waves through the tech world. Specifically, Trump’s clumsy and ill-conceived Muslim travel ban has prompted the leaders of Google, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft and 93 other technology giants...
We recently learned the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) granted leniency to 4,000 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) recipients whose renewal documents had been sitting unclaimed in a United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) mailbox.
Joe Scarborough: Trump Is Just Pretending To Be Racist, Is Awesome ‘Behind Closed Doors’ (VIDEO)
Jordan Baranowski
Joe Scarborough, co-host of MSNBC's Morning Joe, has a new, lame defense of why Donald Trump acts like a racist fool. According to Scarborough, it is all part of an act. Republican presidential candidate Donald trump...
Donald Trump is determined to convince us that we are being overrun by aliens. He wants us to be terrified of the hordes of those aliens who he insists are pouring in to murder, rape and rob us.
On Friday, he Indianapolis Star featured a Gary Varvel cartoon that offended a wide group of readers, and many viewed it as racist. I do -- it's offensive beyond belief.
The Star said this in a...