Conservatives love to blame our economic woes on social safety nets, specifically Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), aka "food stamps." They have convinced large swaths of supporters and talking heads...
Flint Water Tower
Two government agencies are warning Flint, Michigan, residents that their water still might not be safe, even though they are using the water filters handed out to make it safe. Simply put, the water filters...
President-elect Donald Trump has a new policy adviser who is lacking in one thing: compassion. Ken Blackwell, a Senior Fellow for Family Empowerment at the Family Research Council, said that there is "nothing more Christian" than cutting...
A group of #FightFor15 protesters.
A new organization called the Fairness Project officially launched last Thursday with seed money from the SEIU-UHW, a large union in California. Their goal: to gather $25 million dollars to push the #FightFor15 initiatives currently...
Normally, the act of jailing someone for being unable to pay fines would be classified under "things that are not okay," and "things long abandoned in the US," but for some towns in America, the...
There’s been no shortage of great articles over the past year examining the many similarities between Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler. And a startling number of Trump’s fans have demonstrated sympathy towards neo-Nazism, anti-Semitism, or...
Please note: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views of Liberal America or its staff.  Monday December 26, 2016, started out as an ordinary evening...
The world is changing. Human cashiers at grocery stores are being replaced by machines that let customers check their items out themselves. Long haul truckers and taxi cab drivers will soon be replaced by autonomous...
In 2009 President Barack Obama and the First Lady Michelle Obama painstakingly perused a plethora of choices for a play area that would be suitable, at first for their daughters Sasha and Malia, and later...
Now that winter is swinging into full effect, one Buffalo, N.Y., church is making sure everyone in its community is staying warm by converting an old school bus into a clothing pantry, offering hats, gloves,...
A 52-year-old woman, Karen Lee Batts, was evicted from a senior assisted living facility for non-payment of $338.00. Batts' family says she suffers from schizophrenia. The facility that evicted Batts was under the management of  Cascade Management, Inc....
815 million people around the world went hungry last year. This, according to the latest data from the United Nations, is the first increase in global hunger in more than 15 years. Sweeping initiatives from nations all...
Nelson Mandela said: "There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children." If that is true, our society has a very dark soul. Portland, Oregon, like so many American...
Amid the glaring problems with the Republicans' rewrite of our tax code, there is another issue that should concern us--time. Is there enough of it to allow America to adjust to the changes since several provisions in...
A new study by the University of California's Berkeley Center for Labor Research And Education confirms what many of us have long suspected--the great majority of those on welfare actually do work. Specifically, almost 75...
"You say you want a revolution?" Well, it might not be far off. That is according to a study published in Nature tracing characteristics of history's most consequential revolutions. Using a rubric called the Gini coefficient, scientists from Washington State University and...
Flint Class Action Legal Team Corroded Pipes
Erin Brockovich announced on February 11 that she will lend her legal expertise to the Flint Water Crisis Class Action Team, which is representing a number of Flint, Michigan, residents in a class action lawsuit filed in...
It happens to millions every year. They have a medical emergency and assume their health insurance will cover the costs. Then a month or so later they receive bills for the cost of "out-of-network" care. In the midst...
On April 12, 2016, then-presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) held a campaign rally at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York in which he talked about the "physiology of poverty." In other words, concern over where...
The Growth Of National Income Since WWII In US, 1946-2014
Last week, the World Inequality Lab released its first report based on the World Wealth and Income Database (WID). Constructed in part by famous economist Thomas Piketty, the report released at the Paris School of Economics....