815 million people around the world went hungry last year. This, according to the latest data from the United Nations, is the first increase in global hunger in more than 15 years. Sweeping initiatives from nations all...
GoFundMe is sponsoring a contest that ups the ante for those raising money to aid the Flint Water crisis. The crowdfunding website allows people to to raise money for causes. GoFundMe will contribute $10,000 to...
Turing Pharmaceuticals CEO Martin Shkreli is best known for purchasing the rights to a potentially life-saving AIDS drug and jacking up prices from $13.50 to $750 dollars a pill. In his words, he acted liked a...
In a recent article published in the New York Post, Michelle Malkin takes aim at Teach For America (TFA). The organization was founded in 1990 by Wendy Kopp and has produced more than 42,000 teachers in...
bill o'reilly report
Cable news' king asshat, Bill O'Reilly, recently took his vile rhetoric to a new level with a report aired on his show. In a report assembled by Jesse Watters, composed of misleading quick cuts and venomous...
Whenever I watch Fox News (which is rarely), I'm always amazed at how willfully ignorant the hosts on their shows are. I say willfully ignorant, because I find it hard to believe anyone can truly...
Dr. Laura Tach of Cornell University analyzed U.S. Census data and used the data to expose the harsh truths about poverty in the U.S. Mother Jones used her research and other data to compile "10 Poverty...
Climate change is not typically something that energizes the so-called "Christian" right. The single issue animating those who argue against women's right to their own reproductive health is abortion. But the climate crisis and anti-choice activists' cries...
Everyone knows that holidays are the time for giving, right? You hear those clichés all the time in December: "Let's remember the less fortunate," and, "Don't forget about those who have less than we do."...
Here's what passes for conventional wisdom in the business world since Donald Trump won the election: He's gonna be great for business because he's a businessman. And while there may be a shred of truth...
Some countries in Europe and a few states here in the U.S. have experimented with universal basic incomes for its citizens. However, could this work across the entire country here? What Is Universal Basic Income? First off,...
mcdermott poor gop
Last year we wrote "Educator Sister Simone Campbell Blamed By The GOP for American Poverty,'" which was?about House Republicans attacking Sister Simone Campbell. Have you ever had one of those experiences where the day's events were...
An anthropology student at Tufts University spent her time busking at the local street performance stomping ground of Harvard Square. Eventually, she was noticed by a fellow student, and he was so impressed by her...
It is commonly known that public schools are underfunded. The situation in Detroit are so extreme that teachers have resorted to sickouts as a form of protest. The schools are unsafe. There's broken flooring and moldy...
Trump gives speech on Nov. 30.
On Thursday, President Donald Trump issued a speech attempting to characterize his legislative goals and tax cut bill as "populist." Despite significant contradictory analysis, the president claimed his efforts negativity affect wealthy individuals and aids...
A professor of political science at Duke University is causing controversy with racially insensitive comments he made in the New York Times. Jerry Hough made the remarks in response to an editorial the Times had recently...
Pope Francis, described as friendly and charismatic, has gained fans both within, and from outside of, the Catholic Church. His popularity is the result of denouncing extreme capitalism, warning about global warming, and urging the...
While checking out Reddit today, I stumbled across a breakdown of McDonald's budget.?With all the debate on raising the minimum wage, someone compared McDonalds' sales to their labor costs. Headlining the paper full of figures,...
This entire election year has been a total circus. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is just a firehose of vulgar, racist, bigoted comments. He made such a huge deal out of Romney's 47 percent gaffe...
People holding up a "People Not Profits" sign at a healthcare rally.
A new map released in the New York Times a few days ago show us in detail what many people already knew: Red states have almost completely failed to provide health insurance for their populations. There...