The Growth Of National Income Since WWII In US, 1946-2014
Last week, the World Inequality Lab released its first report based on the World Wealth and Income Database (WID). Constructed in part by famous economist Thomas Piketty, the report released at the Paris School of Economics....
In the aftermath of North Korea's most recent missile launch, U.S. officials amplified rhetoric and preemptive military readiness. Pyongyang's intercontinental ballistic missile test reinforced North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un's commitment to the military strategy of...
UN Secretary General On Jerusalem
In an unprecedented move, U.S. President Donald Trump announced plans to officially move the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This action drew condemnation from the United Nations (U.N.), European Union (E.U.)...
Since when is the U.S. government permitted to illegally detain U.S. citizens in a foreign country and deny them the right to see an attorney?
Wednesday, North Korea tested its most advanced intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) to date. After landing in the Sea of Japan, expert analysis of the missile's height indicated the weapon to be capable of reaching the...
Not even a lovely trip abroad can stop President Donald Trump from trying to bully his enemies over Twitter. Trump again demeaned the office of the President by taking to Twitter to, once again, attack...
As more details become available about the ambush in Niger which led to the deaths of four American special forces troops, more questions are being asked about the U.S. mission in the African country and...
On August 13, Sgt. Roshain E. Brooks and Spc. Allen Levi Stigler Jr. lost their lives in Iraq. According to the Department of Defense, the two soldiers were killed in what was called "a mishap" that took...
During his press conference in the Rose Garden Monday afternoon, President Trump tried to minimize his tepid reaction to the deaths of four members of the U.S. military by claiming that his predecessors hadn't called...
President Donald Trump has based nearly his entire political identity on positioning himself as the opposite of former President Barack Obama - the racist birther movement was the beginning of Trump's foray into politics, and...
On Tuesday, President Donald Trump threatened to "totally destroy North Korea" at his first address to the United Nations general assembly. Naturally, this unprecedented bellicosity raised alarm bells within the halls established in the shadow of...
What do you think White House Chief of Staff Gen. John Kelly is doing in this picture? What about here? A) He just got word Robert Mueller might subpoena him. B) He has indigestion. C) He just remembered he didn't...
Sarah Huckabee Sanders
It's hard to know if Sarah Huckabee Sanders ever regrets anything she says, but she just might be doing this right now because a tweet she posted on Twitter Tuesday morning is blowing up in...
Speaking for the very first time at the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday morning, President Trump thought it would be a good idea to rattle the American saber at both Iran and North Korea,...
President Donald Trump failed in at least one aspect of his speech on troop increases in Afghanistan — he failed to garner more ratings than former President Barack Obama did in a similar speech in...
President Donald Trump laid out his strategy for a path to victory in Afghanistan, including a plan to increase U.S. troop presence in the nation. Democratic lawmakers weren’t buying it as a viable strategy,...
President Donald Trump plans to ask for the American people's trust when it comes to his new policy in Afghanistan, CNN reported on Sunday evening. Trump plans to speak directly to the American citizenry on Monday...
Remember, just a few blissful weeks ago, when our country was not worried about Nazis, but North Korea instead? Good times. North Korea remembers that too, and they are itching to get back to the...
On Friday, after he had doubled and tripled down on his saber-rattling toward North Korea, President Trump called the Governor of Guam, Eddie Baza Calvo. Guam has been threatened by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un...
The tense standoff with North Korea and its maniacal leader, Kim Jong Un, could well escalate in the near future and bring the United States to the brink of outright war in the region. Yet...