trans ban
The recently announced 'ban' of transgender people in the military has outraged many. The policy change was announced in a tweet by President Trump and the reason he gave? Cost. Guess what the military is happy to...
Maybe when President Donald Trump boasts about "taking out ISIS," he means on a date. Leave it to a media/real estate/reality TV celebrity: Trump is ISIS's greatest publicist. Non-profit group Airwars, which monitors the battle against the Islamic...
There is a sincere possibility the United States will be engaged in some sort of conflict with China during the next four years. We may have the stage set for it over the weekend. In what Beijing is calling a “serious...
In a rare bipartisan effort, a House committee has taken important steps toward rolling back the president’s authority to wage endless war. The House Appropriations Committee voted Thursday in favor of an amendment that would rescind...
On Sunday, an American fighter jet shot down a Syrian warplane after the Syrian pilot dropped bombs on ground forces supported by the United States in the ongoing battle against the international terrorist group ISIS. Monday, Russian...
A tip from a citizen led to the arrest of 22-year-old terror suspect Aziz Sayyed in Huntsville, Alabama. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is releasing very few details about the case. Sayyed is an American...
As Londoners heard of a nearby terrorist attack and ran for their lives, one man clung tightly to his beer. That TwitPic has since gone viral as a symbol of their resilience. London Bridge Less than two weeks...
Addressing UN delegates in Geneva Tuesday, America’s ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley threatened that America might leave the UN Human Rights Council. "If the Human Rights Council is going to be an organization we...
Once again author of  Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling, has said what we are all thinking. The recent and extremely childish incident involved President Donald Trump physically pushing his way past the Montenegro Prime Minister and...
Another Terror Attack May Be Imminent British Prime Minister Theresa May has raised Great Britain's terror threat level to CRITICAL and has begun deploying military personnel to patrol the streets, calling this a “proportionate and sensible response” to the...
In the constant barrage of news and updates about the shenanigans of the Trump administration, it's hard to decide what to watch and listen to and follow. Currently, the YUGEST news seems to be about...
President Donald Trump couldn't have won without the xenophobic vote. Which makes his support of radical Islamic terrorism all the more interesting. Radical Islam Trump ran his campaign on making America first. Racists flocked to his rallies in...
You couldn't have invented the Nazis, not as literary constructs at any rate. Anyone trying to pitch the idea that a paramilitary organization that stitched skulls to their uniforms went 'mainstream legit,' would have been laughed...
spicer middle east trump
According to White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, the current administration will be the one to bring peace to the Middle East. Once you're done laughing at that thought, keep reading to hear his explanation. Trump...
For a lot of us, the last 100 days have been completely surreal. We feel like we've been living in a badly written sitcom. In fact, we feel like we are being lead by a cartoon villain....
foreign policy
Rachel Maddow talked about the latest issue of Foreign Affairs magazine in which they talk about President Donald Trump's foreign policy practices so far in his presidency. Sean Spicer made a ridiculous claim (again) this week. He said: “The...
Donald Trump constantly claims that he loves and respects American veterans, even though he himself managed to get out of serving in Vietnam by having a doctor give him a medical deferment for bone spurs...
Chinese officials have said that we could have war "at any moment." We have fired missiles at Syria and deployed a Navy force near North Korea. In Syria, we launched 59 Tomahawk missiles at a...
cold war
Former Russian leader Mikhail Gorbachev has given an ominous warning about what he sees as threatening signs of conflict emerging between the West and Russia. Speaking to German newspaper Bild the Nobel Peace prize winner said: "All the...
Every president has come to the White House with a deficit or learning curve in some area. They have normally been able to offset those shortcomings by admitting their deficits and appointing knowledgeable staff who...