Tag: conspiracy theories

Gohmert: Tom Clancy Predicted Alliance Between ISIS And Mexican Drug Cartels!

For all of his faults, at least Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) is consistent. He can always be relied upon as a source of unashamed idiocy....



Dallas PD Shooter Was Conspiracy Theorist, Also Threatened To Shoot Up...

Following an early morning attack on Dallas Police headquarters, the man behind the attacks who was later shot and killed by a police sniper...

Extreme Right Wing Radio Host Says Obama Is ‘Demon-Possessed’ And ‘Hitler...

I have to admit that before today, I had never heard of Rick Wiles. I didn't even know he existed. But something tells me...

Wacko Glenn Beck: America ‘Deserves To Be Destroyed’ For Net Neutrality

By now, we've pretty much come to expect ridiculous, paranoid rants from Glenn Beck. But yesterday he managed to stack the bullcrap even higher...

Lugnut Extremist Jack Cashill: Obama’s Same-Sex Marriage Stance Proves He’s A...

It sure didn't take long for the right-wing attack dogs to read all sorts of secret messages in former Obama adviser David Axelrod's newly-released...
CNN Aliens poll flight 370

CNN Scientific Poll Asked People If Space Aliens Abducted Flight 370

BuzzFeed's Andrew Kaczynski reports that a CNN/ORC poll released Wednesday reveals that?while 80 percent of Americans believe that no one survived Malaysia Airlines flight...

The Repackaging Of The Fascist Playbook

There seems to be a growing reality concerning the Libertarian and Tea Party movements in this country and can best be summed up in...

Joe Arpaio Gives New Life To Birther Conspiracy…Again

Like a bad cold, the conspiracy theorists known affectionately as "birthers" are back for more, declaring that this time they really have undeniable, blow-the-lid-off-the-White-House...
president obama born in Kenya

House Of Representatives Legitimizes Birther Conspiracy With New Bills

As Attorney General Eric Holder faces a new round of criticism, Chris Wallace of "Fox News Sunday" discussed with House Judiciary Committee Chair?Bob Goodlatte...

The United States of Koch: How The Koch Family Bought Our...

  There are many conspiracy theories out there. It seems that there's a conspiracy theory for every tragedy this country experiences, and even some for...

Ethics Concerns Continue To Plague Michele Bachmann (Video)

Tea Party darling and World Net Daily's Woman of the Year, Michele Bachmann has had another campaign staffer come forward publicly about possible ethics...

Charges Dropped in Ricin Case (VIDEO)

Kevin Curtis was released today after Federal officials dismissed the charges against him. ?Curtis had been charged in connection with ricin-laced letters sent to...