Tag: President

trump not running political campaign

Trump Doesn’t Want To Be President Anymore — THIS Is His...

In case you were wondering, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is no longer running a political campaign, if he ever was. The Washington Post's...

The Dalai Lama Has Some Harsh Words About Donald Trump And...

During this entire election, we have been comparing Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump to Adolph Hitler. His extremist ideas have drawn these comparisons. Trump has...

4 Reasons Boycotting The Vote Because You Hate Both Candidates Is...

This election season has just been a clusterf**k of scandals. Every day we hear about some now horrible thing coming out of the orange,...

Did Pres.Obama Just Throw Shade At Trump With Anniversary Tweet To...

Our wonderful first couple is celebrating their 24th wedding anniversary this week. President Barack Obama sent this sweet photo to First Lady Michelle Obama: https://twitter.com/BarackObama/status/783009809356304385 He...

JUST IN: Rudy Giuliani Just Said A Man Is ‘A Lot...

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani has become Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's little lapdog. He has also gotten a little unhinged. He was talking...
campaign manager

WATCH: Donald Trump’s Campaign Manager Accidentally ADMITS He Broke The Law

It is common knowledge that the United States of America prohibited any kind of corporate expenditure in Cuba without the government’s approval. And yet...

WATCH: Trump Camp Answers Tax Question With… Hillary Cheated On Bill

For months, we've been wondering why Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump hasn't released any of his tax returns. This is something that presidential candidates...

New Bush Family Tradition? Dubya’s Daughter Declares She’s ‘With Her’ (TWEETS/VIDEO)

Barbara Bush Pierce, daughter of President George W. Bush, was pictured in a Twitter post with one of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's aides, Huma...

Presidential Candidate Trump Tweets Urging Voters To Watch A Sex Tape(VIDEO)

Presidential candidates are always vying for the voters’ attention. Some share healthy reviews about themselves. Others publish their sturdy stats and encourage people to...

5 Ways Republican God Ronald Reagan Ruined The Country (VIDEOS)

Republican Party seems to worship the late former President Ronald Reagan. They all look fondly on those days when he was president in the '80s. He's...

To My Fellow Millennials: Hillary Clinton Is Badass And You Need...

Yes, I'm a millennial, and I have something to say to a certain subset of our millennial generation. To all of the "Bernie or...

‘Trump Anxiety’ Is Making US Therapists Rich (VIDEO)

This election season has been unlike any other. This isn't just simple bickering over policies. A dangerous man is trying to weasel his way...

BREAKING: Ted Cruz Endorses Trump – After He Swore He Never...

It appears Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus's threat to Republicans have had the desired effect. A few days ago, the head of the RNC...

Republican John Kasich: Trump Owes President Obama An Apology For Birther...

Ohio governor and former Republican presidential candidate, John Kasich, has a message for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. Kasich says The Donald owes President Barack...

12 Practically Psychic Political Cartoons Mocking Trump (TWEETS/VIDEO)

The Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has broken the internet many times with his stupid remarks and lies. We've seen plenty of memes and hashtags,...

Dick Cavett: 5 Questions We Should Be Asking Donald Trump (VIDEO)

Dick Cavett, former talk show host, has been featured on American television regularly for decades. He used to be the host of The Tonight Show....

Top 50 Reasons Donald Trump Is Unfit To Be President –...

Republican presidential n0minee Donald Trump has created a huge sh*tstorm out of this election. Here are 50 reasons that Trump is unfit to be...

Clinton And Kaine Release Medical Records: Trump Still Evading (VIDEO)

When you are running for president, people will want to know about your health. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has been a bit squirrely...

Polls! Polls Everywhere! Let’s Take A Closer Look At These (VIDEO)

We are only three months away from the presidential election. Every day, you go on the news and you are seeing results from every...

Obama Expands One Of Dub’s Little Known Legacies In Hawaii (TWEETS,...

On Friday, President Barack Obama expanded the largest ecologically protected space in in Hawaii. It now encompasses 500,000 square miles. This quadrupled the size of...