Well, too bad for the non-Christians. Evangelist to the presidents, Billy Graham's, predictive book, “Where I Am: Heaven, Eternity and Our Life Beyond,” says they will go to a “fiery hell,” not just a plain...
Many Americans recall being assigned Harper Lee's classic novel, To Kill a Mockingbird (TKMB), while studying English in junior or senior high school. This adored classic tale takes place in Maycomb, Alabama and follows a series...
Language is what separates us from the animals. Only humans have the ability to use a vocabulary of words to communicate, and yet there are plenty of words that we frequently mispronounce. When we do...
Trump Once Admitted Why He Can Never Be Prez: ‘Important Thing Is The Getting, Not The Having’ (DETAILS)
Richard Marcil
Even Donald Trump agrees that he doesn’t have the temperament to be President.
In his 1990 book Surviving at the Top, the Republican presidential candidate wrote about his habits and temperament in a strangely honest way:
Harper Lee, author of “To Kill a Mockingbird” is dead.
The author was confirmed dead on Friday, February 23, 2016 in her hometown of Monroeville, Alabama. This was reported by Al.com which stated that multiple sources...
Welcome everyone to The Liberal Conservative. I am your host, Jonathan Lenhardt. What I have in store for you fine people today is pretty special. We at Liberal America were afforded an excellent...
Batman's similarly named comic series has long since surpassed the assumption that "all comics are for children" by being more willing to be dark, gritty, and real. In the September issue, number 44 of the...
Remember Milo Yiannopoulos? Breitbart's favorite troll suffered an Icarus-esque fall in February, after an old recording of him seemingly defending pedophilia culture surfaced and the Republican party dropped him immediately. He resigned his from his Breitbart job,...
Most of the world has heard of popular author J.K Rowling, who penned the best-selling Harry Potter series. The seven-book series catapulted to the top of best-seller lists and has since been transformed into a...
Marge Harlan, a retired psychologist and school teacher, started a black history library in a town called Sedalia, Missouri. There are lots of books and wall displays covering the Civil War, the Civil Rights Movement, and more....
Diet books aren't a new fad. They've been around for ages. Though the specific methods have changed drastically, the intent stated in all of them is the same: to be a trimmer, healthier human being....
Some people have far too much time on their hands.
A group of parents in Illinois are on a crusade to stop "smut" books from being taught at Lemont High School. Laura Reigle, a mother of a...
Looks like Bill O'Reilly's penchant for telling lies has caught up with him again, and this time he's so mad with historians that he spent the last few minutes of the Friday edition of his...
Behind every iconic Normal Rockwell painting was a photograph. The book Norman Rockwell: Behind the Camera illustrates these photographs that made history through art. You can listen to the story behind this project on the...
OMG I'm growing weary of having to write so much about the crazy stuff Donald Trump is saying and doing. That said, some of the ideas he's proposing is scary stuff and it MUST be...
After a plethora of memes surfaced on the internet stating that Trump’s foul language and description of sexual assault was no worse than people reading E.L. James bestselling novel, “Fifty Shades Of Grey,” the author...
Conservatives are sure to love these stats, especially because America is obviously home to many Christians. But the number of people that are religiously unaffiliated is increasing, especially amongst younger generations.
It seems that 36-percent of...
Books are simple things in design. They are words written on paper that are bound together with a cover. As any book lover knows, there is nothing simple about a book. Open a book, and...
It's not only those in the political world who are terrified by the prospect of Donald Trump becoming President. Now we have some 450 writers and authors who penned an open letter stating in concrete...
Can the church survive the 21st century?