Pressure on the United States to accept more of the desperate men, women and children fleeing the deadly chaos of the Middle East has been growing. The flood of refugees streaming into Europe are pushing...
Auschwitz Concentration Camp
Say hello to Yisrael Kristal, the Guinness World Record Holder for the World's Oldest Man. He was born in Poland in 1903, and survived both World Wars.. He was 112 years and 178 days old...
A young man was carried through the tunnel and across the Jardine Stadium football field one last time. Malik Sparkman was a linebacker for the Coffee County Trojans in South Georgia before he was diagnosed with...
Our awesome President Obama has had to take a lot of criticism during his terms. We are all wondering what he will do when he leaves office in January. The Obamas have bought a house in Washington,...
Yesterday we reported on a fat-shaming video posted on YouTube by Nicole Arbour. She claimed the video was "satire" but no one else felt that way. It was pretty offensive. It was very difficult to...
Yes, you read that correctly. These right wing nut jobs are trying to establish Christianity as the official religion of the United States. In case these extremists have forgotten, this is what the First Amendment says: "Congress...
Togetherness - Christians and Muslims
The concept of Christians and Muslims working hand-in-hand to protect each other against terrorism isn’t a new phenomenon. In places like Egypt and in France, this is a common theme. However, in Northern Cameroon, one...
The 15 percent and 20 percent tip?is?a more common gratuity when dining out, but one New York man left his waitress a 7000 percent tip. Mike, the good samaritan left an unsuspecting waitress a tip?of $3,000....
son dies of overdose post to facebook photo
When?20-year-old Jeramie Ratliff?died of a drug overdose last week, his Dad, Mike Stollings of Englewood, Ohio, posted a photo of his son's body.?This is beyond shocking to most of us, but why did he do...
China Can Breathe Easy With Vitality Air   China is experiencing its worst smog of the year, and Canada's Vitality Air is cashing in. Beijing’s air is so polluted, breathing it is said to damage the lungs...
We all like to brag about our kids, right? Some of us turn to Facebook to tell everyone about our kids' achievements. Hockey trophies, karate belts, proms, diplomas, and degrees, new babies and big promotions. Our kids...
Noam Chomsky is a renowned political theorist. He has a Ph.D. in linguistics from MIT, and he has been a professor there since 1955. He has been published many times for work in his field...
The Guardian reports that a voice from past of Donald Trump (R-N.Y.) past has risen up to challenge him once again. Twenty four years ago, a young couple pitched a business idea to Donald Trump. They met...
If there is one thing every black male in America can understand, it's how it feels to be pre-judged. No matter how you look or behave, you are automatically labeled and categorized. Often times people just...
Nine-year-old Amariyanna "Mari" Copeny is the reigning "Little Miss Flint." Her title has given her the opportunity to meet several famous people, including President Obama and GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump. The two meetings, however,...
Steven Tyler, tears
Steven Tyler is just good people. The lead singer of Aerosmith could be the poster child for the "Make America Kind Again" movement. He's known for his softheartedness, bringing many to tears, but his latest...
Rebecca Landis Hayes was returning from running errands at the Harris Teeter store in her hometown of Concord, North Carolina. That's when she noticed a note on her car. She had left her car in...
Big news in the world of sin and debauchery: Jewelry retailer Zales is marketing engagement rings and wedding bands to lesbians. The hate group-slash-bored suburban girl gang One Million Moms is up in arms over this...
The Flint water crisis is so dire that even inmates at one of Michigan's correctional facilities feel compelled to get involved and pitch in what little help they are able to give from behind bars. Like...
educared women
Deciding whether or not to have children is a very important decision in a woman's life. Either way, you will be judged for it. Being child free, I get all kinds of judgemental comments from...