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Weird News

Some really bizarre stories come across the wire!

the donald in a music video
Many moons ago, when I was but an awkward middle school kid, The Donald filmed a music video. I can't say he actually appeared in it, though, because, well ... things got weird. The Donald As...
After passage of the massive tax cut for the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans this week, someone decided to send Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin an early gift for the holidays, and they even...
The Simpsons
Alan Rickman was featured in a 2013 episode of "The Simpsons," with a David Bowie song playing in the background. The clip in which Rickman (voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch) was featured, was a spoof of...
There are many major quandaries in life, and way too many minor puzzlers. One of the latter is, "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?" Scientists may...
The ethnic and racial ignorance continues – a Sikh California native was attacked on September 25 around 9 p.m. local time by a group of white men. Maan Singh Khalsa wears a turban for religious...
real estate law
A Texas black man named Kenneth Robinson once managed to legally,? under Texas real estate law, claim an abandoned 350k house in Flower Mound, Texas. You see, Texas has a little known real estate law on...
What's Your Beef? in Charlotte's Ballantyne neighborhood (courtesy Yelp user Rob W.)
A specialty butcher shop in my hometown of Charlotte is in full damage control mode this weekend. Several customers had doubts about where the store's meat really came from. Those suspicions were confirmed several times...
Here we go again. The eBible Fellowship, a Christian group headquartered near Philadelphia, is predicting that the world will end tomorrow, October 7, 2015. So if you have anything you've been waiting to do for years,...
What happens when we die? No one can exactly tell us because no one has gone all the way and come back to tell. Please understand I'm not referring to those who have had "near...
  In a blatant display of racism in America, a?man named Chris Oliver, his wife, Angela, and about 100 of their fellow flag-waving friends decided it would be a good idea to have a little Confederate...
Considering the way this race is going, I'm not surprised by anything anymore. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has turned this presidential election into a huge shitshow. He has called for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton...
saucer object on a truck
Folks travelling in Arizona Friday saw a saucer-shaped object being transported along the highway. It was sitting on the bed of an 18-wheeler and being escorted by two other trucks from the Department of Public Safety. The object...
john kilpatrick ministries
John Kilpatrick, of John Kilpatrick Ministries, travels around the country to spread his message of God's love. Oh wait, I'm sorry. Did I say God's love? I meant Hillary Clinton is a "jezebel." How silly of...
Written by Hillary Clinton and running mate Tim Kaine, "Stronger Together" has been subject to a trolling campaign on its Amazon page, with the shopping site being inundated with angry one-star reviews. The book is...
Kalashnikov, makers of the AK-47 assault rifle, has opened a souvenir shop in the middle of Russia's largest international airport. You may recognize the AK-47 as the weapon of choice not only for Russian troops,...
Get started on preparing your taxes. Don't wait until the last moment! Yes, tax prep can be worrisome, bothersome, complex and not one's best idea of a fun time. With that in mind, here is...
santa shorting cocaine walmart
Oh, Walmart. You are never long without a scandal of some sort, but now you're farking with Santa Clause? Really? Santa? And when I say they're "farking" with Santa, I mean that literally, but you'll have...
trump charity
As a parent, I'm no stranger to the fees that come with children's activities. I've coughed up one-time as well as monthly fees for all sorts of fun stuff for my kids. Of course, unlike...
One in 68 children now suffer from some form of autism, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). And the parents of the children who have this disorder are naturally eager to both find...
Hunter Thompson wrote, “When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro,” and no one is doing that better right now than Florida Libertarian candidate for U.S. Senate Augustus Sol Invictus – otherwise known by...