During his campaign, President-elect Donald Trump has talked about coming down hard on Muslims. At one point, he mentioned that he thinks Muslims in the US should be put in a database. Now, that Trump has...
The queen of alternative facts is back at it: Kellyanne Conway appeared on ABC's This Week to speak with host Martha Raddatz. Raddatz wanted to talk about the allegations surrounding Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore, and...
Another prominent, rich Republican has refused to support her party's nominee Donald Trump. She is a reliable donor and has denounced The Orange Menace. Meg Whitman, the billionaire chief executive officer of Hewlett-Packard, said: “I urge all...
Trump's latest violent attack on CNN (image courtesy @shawgerald4's Twitter)
For much of Christmas Eve night, the tubes were abuzz about another case of Donald Trump peddling alternative facts on Twitter. He claimed--once again--that he has ended Barack Obama's eight-year war on Christmas. Never mind...
President Obama spoke with Marc Maron on the popular podcast, WTF, on Sunday night. While discussing the issue of racism, the president said: "Racism, we are not cured of it and it's not just a matter...
One of the greatest accomplishments of the Obama Administration has got to be the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare. Thanks to this legislation, tens of millions of people who...
It seems that the Trump-worshiping minions in the right-wing media are deeply upset by the fact that Democrats are daring to make a big deal of the fact that the president's son, Donald Trump Jr.,...
rick perry homosexuality
Unemployment recipients already face a mountain of worries. Besides overcoming the trauma of having lost their jobs, many of them struggle to make rent or mortgage payments, keep the lights on and feed their families....
  Over the past year, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her supporters have worked hard to show people who Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump truly is. They have pointed out his corrupt business practices, highlighted his...
When the #Infantada occupying Malheur Wilderness Reserve in Oregon sent out messages pleading for their supporters to send them snacks (via the Federal government's own United States Post Office, seeing as no privately-owned companies deliver...
There have been times when you've undoubtedly listened to a speech from Donald Trump, Sarah Palin or Ted Cruz and wondered "who in the world is voting for these people?" CNN wondered the same thing, since...
North Carolina's House Bill 2 is hours-old, but it has already made huge waves nationally. The bill is just a whole lot of ignorance, forcing transgender people to use the bathrooms of the gender indicated...
General Michael Flynn, who has been chosen by Donald Trump to serve as his National Security Adviser when Trump takes office in January, met recently in Austria with a man named Heinz-Christian Strache. Strache, it should...
North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory wants us to believe Anti-discrimination law is "common sense"   Over the holiday weekend, North Carolina’s soon to be one-term governor Pat McCrory released a  detailed rebuttal argument to several major media outlets entitled...
The tidal wave of negative reactions is threatening to sweep away both the Republican presidential candidate and the Party itself. One after another, prominent conservatives have been speaking out against the failure of the Trump...
Foreign Policy
Here's the thing. Forget peacekeeping forces, forget toothless resolutions and harsh critique from that most distinguished pulpit of international diplomacy. Set to one side for a moment funds allocated to combatting hunger. Ignore the thankless task...
"Coach" Dave Daubenmire (image from Daubenmire's Facebook)
We've heard some pretty outrageous attempts to defend Donald Trump after it emerged he bragged about his outrageous, degrading, and potentially criminal behavior toward women in 2005. Some of the worst "defenses" have come from what passes...
9-1-1 spanish
On this morning's edition of "Fox & Friends," co-host Brian Kilmeade was not happy to find out emergency responders in Texas handled life-threatening situations involving non-English speakers the same way that they do with English...
Donald Trump (R-N.Y.) announced Saturday, June 16, that Mike Pence, the Indiana governor who thinks cigarettes don’t cause cancer, would be his running mate. Just prior to that announcement came the unveiling of the Trump/Pence campaign...
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump loves the military. We know this, because he keeps on telling us. He even went so far as to claim that he always felt like he had been in the...