Since having my son, I am no longer a calm person. I wouldn't say I'm a helicopter mom by any means. I don't do everything for him. I don't freak out over germs. He's allowed...
elementary school kids criminal charges
Parents in Murfreesboro, Tenn. are rightfully furious with their police department after officers felt it necessary to arrest several elementary school students between the ages of 6 and 11. Why? Apparently, these students were cuffed...
Temple University Hospital in Philadelphia is gifting new moms with baby boxes.   Good Housekeeping reports that the boxes retail between $80-$100 each.  The research team believes the boxes can help break the cycle of parents co-sleeping with...
Jacob Marbury, after being nearly killed by his babysitter (image courtesy Joshua Marbury's Facebook)
Two months ago, a baby boy in Sherwood, Oregon was nearly killed by his babysitter. Now, to pile obscenity on top of insult and injury, the boy's parents found out on Friday that the attacker could potentially...
A Bloomsburg University player has been kicked off of the team for tweeting offensive things about 14-year-old Little League star Mo'ne Davis. In a tweet from March 20, first baseman Joey Casselberry called the young athlete...
I taught elementary school for a lot of years. It was always exciting when national elections came along and helped us to teach the kids about how representative democracy really works. I remember standing in my...
DeAndre Bloomfield in his hospital bed (image courtesy Ursula Allen via WNYW)
In one of the most horrific instances of bullying I've seen in recent memory, a disabled 13-year-old boy from Staten Island suffered horrible burns when a so-called friend sprayed him with a flaming bottle of perfume and then...
One of the most remarkable and admirable qualities children possess is that they don't hate others simply because they're different. As we know, hate is something that must be taught. No one is born hating...
Hailey Fort is a remarkable young girl. At the age of 5, she saw homeless people near where she lived, and as it states on the GoFundMe page she set up: ?Hailey started to help the homeless...
Large colored pencil sculpture
Public schools are beginning to monitor the social media accounts of their students. The schools are arguing that it is to prevent bomb threats and other threats that could be circulated online. This program, reported...
The pandemic could be killing more than those infected with COVID-19. Due to its impact on in-person instruction, it might also be delivering a death blow to American public education. School districts are experiencing a noticeable decline...
spelling bee
We know the kids who win the National Spelling Bee are crazy smart, but have you?ever?thought "I could do that!" Well, here's your chance to prove (or disprove) it. Vox has put together an interactive spelling...
(image courtesy Save Sarah GoFundMe page)
It's been amply demonstrated that attempting to turn LGBT kids straight doesn't work. It's also been demonstrated that this "therapy" is, by definition, incredibly abusive, and can actually cause lasting harm in the long run. Well,...
This week, the Trump administration tested the limits of its anti-immigrant stance by admitting (after denying) and reaffirming its practice of divorcing refugee children from their parents crossing into the United States from the southern border. Public...
Fatemah Taghizadeh, one of the kids trapped by Trump's ban (image courtesy Sam Taghizadeh via KPTV)
Donald Trump would like you to believe that the turmoil brought about by his misbegotten and likely unconstitutional ban on travel and emigration from seven Muslim-majority countries is just "a small price to pay" for...
Alex Malarkey in 2009 (courtesy The Plain Dealer via NPR)
Back in 2004, Alex Malarkey was on his way home from church in Huntsville, Ohio; when was nearly killed in a car accident. He survived, but was left paralyzed from the neck down. He's been...
This is how it works in the circular logic of the far right. Child protective services, the agencies charged with preventing child abuse, are grossly underfunded for years by the Republican legislatures of states like Texas....
Steve Bullock is the Governor of Montana. He is also a Republican. And he is mad as hell at his fellow GOP members in the United States Congress. Bullock has been trying to take Montana off...
wheelchair accessible
A picture of the Nauglers' cabin (from the Nauglers' Facebook)
Last week, a family in rural Kentucky became a cause c?l?bre on the fringe after authorities seized their 10 children. The family claims the kids were taken away because they lived "off-the-grid" and homeschooled their...