Many may have been assigned in high school the legendary science fiction author Ray Bradbury’s inimitable 1953 dystopic novel Fahrenheit 451. If not, briefly, it’s a story about a future America in which books are banned, and...
Climate change is not typically something that energizes the so-called "Christian" right. The single issue animating those who argue against women's right to their own reproductive health is abortion. But the climate crisis and anti-choice activists' cries...
Many may have been assigned in high school the legendary science fiction author Ray Bradbury's inimitable 1953 dystopic novel Fahrenheit 451. If not, briefly, it's a story about a future America in which books are banned, and...
Democrats hold the majority in both houses of Congress and they hold White House. So how did such an important democratic issue like the eviction moratorium in place since September slip through the Democrats' fingers? Now 15...
For all the ways Joe Biden is surprising many by taking more uncharacteristically progressive stances on domestic issues, there is one area in particular where he so far bears little significant resemblance from “the former guy“. Immigration. While immigration...
Republicans don't need to wait until they hold a congressional majority again to wreak havoc on democracy. We needn't look further than state-level legislation tailored specifically to criminalize First Amendment-protected free speech, suppress voting, and stifle...
The pandemic could be killing more than those infected with COVID-19. Due to its impact on in-person instruction, it might also be delivering a death blow to American public education. School districts are experiencing a noticeable decline...
This past spring, while COVID-19 ripped through mostly Democratic states like New York, Washington, and New Jersey, the American South had yet to feel its full brunt. Later that season, though, into the summer, everything began...
These is no shortage of people who claim the United States is the best place to do just about everything. From growing up, going to school, working, vacationing, to retiring, there is no better locale under...
"The science should not stand in the way of this. When he says open, he means open and full, kids being able to attend each and every day." That's the response from White House press secretary...
One week ago, more than 4,500 climate strikes rallied across 150 countries ahead of this week’s U.N. Climate Action Summit for the purpose of holding lawmakers accountable for aggressive action on climate change's imminent threat to...
Clinical psychologist and founder of the Climate Mobilization Project, Margaret Klein Salamon, stated: “Americans are finally beginning waking up to the existential threat that the climate emergency poses to our society.” She added: “It’s young people that have...
Anne Frank did not die in a Nazi gas chamber. She was not put before a firing squad. She was not incinerated in a crematorium. She died of typhus in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. This is a significant distinction. Most will...
Next they came for the sick. The Trump administration's war on immigrants--particularly those with brown skin--took another twisted turn this week when U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) sent letters to scores of immigrants, stating it...
Do you ever get the feeling the Trump administration deliberately contravenes whatever makes the most logical sense? "Bad for the environment? Let's do it!" "Blatantly violates basic civil rights? Of course!" "Incites violence? What could possibly go wrong?" "Detrimental...
The Trump administration has failed in its attempt to keep concealed its dirty little secret about concentration camps on the Southern border where prisoners are held in horrific conditions without being charged for crimes. The Trump administration has detained more than 40,000...
Milton Mayer (1928–29) was a journalist, reporter for the Associated Press, the Chicago Evening Post, the Chicago American, and The Progressive. In 1955, he published a seminal work titled They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45 in which he analyzes how Hitler came...
As the mainstream media spent the week fact-checking Donald Trump's string of State of the Union prevarications, there is one feature from Tuesday night's speech not getting enough attention. In addition to joining other female lawmakers dressed...
Some believed, favorably or otherwise, that the landmark Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) case the Supreme Court decided in June would signal the death knell for public sector unions. That fear is not baseless...
This week, the Trump administration tested the limits of its anti-immigrant stance by admitting (after denying) and reaffirming its practice of divorcing refugee children from their parents crossing into the United States from the southern border. Public...