Perhaps you thought President Trump was the only member of the Trump clan who craves constant attention, adoration, and flattery. But it turns out that's an inherited trait, as his daughter, Ivanka, just proved.
Ivanka thought...
Lately, whenever Democrats have called for Confederate statues and monuments to be taken down, critics have harrumphed that those monuments were originally erected by Democrats--conveniently forgetting that those decisions were made in a time before...
Ben Shapiro Doesn’t Understand What Is Wrong With ‘Indoctrinating’ 40,000 Boy Scouts (TWEETS/VIDEO)
Darrell Lucus
Let's give credit where credit is due. Ben Shapiro is one of the few sane conservatives out there. He walked out on Breitbart when it became apparent the site was throwing Michelle Fields under the...
Those who want to ban abortion claim that they want to defend the sanctity of life. But recent moves by abortion opponents prove that claim is a transparent lie. Recently, members of the supposed "mainstream"...
On April 12, 2016, then-presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) held a campaign rally at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York in which he talked about the "physiology of poverty."
In other words, concern over where...
Cardinal George Pell, once the Cardinal of Australia, and currently the third highest ranking official in the Vatican, has been charged with a series of historical sex offenses. He is the highest ranking member of the...
In recent years, studies have showed that black children are disciplined more severely than their white counterparts in school, and also face more heavy-handed treatment by police and the courts. A recent study from Georgetown...
It's already been amply established that Donald Trump is a horrible human being. This is a man who found it acceptable to plaster a private cell phone number on social media and mock the disabled,...
Teen Vogue was once a magazine full of pure fluff articles - the Kardashians, pop music icons, and the like. However, a few of the magazine's writers have started stepping out, deciding that their readers...
I was a fifth grade teacher for a lot of years. I've spent countless hours encouraging children to be thoughtful, moral, cooperative members of our classroom community. The idea was to help young people understand...
By now, you've probably heard that on Tuesday, Kathy Griffin got the bright idea to take part in a photo shoot featuring her lifting Donald Trump's severed head. It was a stunt that was no different...
We've all heard stories about kids literally being hounded to suicide by long and sustained campaigns of bullying. But The Washington Post recently uncovered a scary phenomenon in which bullying can kill--literally. In recent years,...
Teacher Blasts Education Secretary Betsy DeVos In Open Letter: ‘You Are Who We Thought You Were’
Liberal America
From the moment she was nominated by Donald Trump to serve as Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos has been under fire from those concerned that her unorthodox views on how to best educate students could...
As of Saturday afternoon, Donald Trump's average approval rating, as computed by FiveThirtyEight, stands at 38.8 percent--the lowest on record for a president at this stage in his administration. But the only reason it's even...
No doubt you've heard the expression used by those on the right, especially those who support the illegitimate president currently residing at the White House: Snowflake. It's mean to suggest that someone is delicate and...
Agriculture Sec. Rolls Back School Nutrition Standards – Gives New Meaning To ‘Let’s Move’ (VIDEO)
Ted Millar
It's starting to appear as though the Trump administration's primary objective is to erase any legacy the first Black President of the United States took eight years to build.
From a slew of executive orders rolling...
Donald Trump is still doing his level best to make life worse for as many people as possible. In his first three months, he has rolled back virtually every limit to corporate greed and filled...
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and President Donald Trump claim they want to provide parents "more choice" regarding the schools their children attend.
Sounds appealing, doesn't it? Who wouldn't want more choice? After all, aren't we theoretically...
Tina S. has been rocking the guitar world since she was but a waif. She is a true virtuoso. A prodigy. A wunderkind. The best of the best some would say. She started playing classical...
Jason Kenney has recently been elected leader of the Progressive Conservative party in Alberta, Canada. He has already courted controversy with remarks about informing parents of their children's membership of groups such as the Gay-Straight Alliance.