It's been a long two months for the kids at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. They watched 14 of their classmates and three of their teachers get gunned down on Valentine's Day.
One of the most inspirational moments of this relatively young year of 2018 has been how the survivors of a horrific mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida have seized the...
Ever since the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, overwhelming support for common-sense reform of our gun laws has run into a seemingly immovable object--the National Rifle Association. Like clockwork, the NRA warns that...
Back in 2016, a Texas girl visiting a Christian youth camp in southern Oklahoma was violently raped and sodomized by one of the cooks. And yet, as it stands now, this monster will not serve...
One of the most disturbing things about the recent spate of neo-Nazi and white supremacist demonstrations is how young the great majority of the participants are. A look at the Tiki torch rally that took...
Donald Trump Jr. ‘Likes’ Tweet Saying Pedophilia Is A Disorder, Not A Crime (TWEETS)
Liberal America
The recent candidacy of Roy Moore in the Alabama Senate race returned the issue of pedophilia to the forefront of the national debate. Moore, you may recall, was accused of molesting a 14-year-old girl when...
In the closing days of the race for Jeff Sessions' former Senate seat, we haven't heard much from Roy Moore. That's rather surprising, since he's facing a dogfight in a race that past history suggests...
WATCH: Racist Trumpkin Gets Publicly Shamed For Calling 5-Year-Old Girl A ‘Terrorist’
Liberal America
You've probably never heard of John Turano. He's one of the many Trump-worshiping idiots who prowl the streets of this country and feel they have the right to scream whatever insult comes to mind, even...
When Roy Moore upended Luther Strange in the Republican primary for Jeff Sessions' former Senate seat, there were already a number of reasons to be unnerved about the former Alabama chief justice going to Washington....
Senator Asking For Trillion Dollar Tax Cut Says There Isn’t Money To Pay For Children’s Health Care
Jordan Baranowski
Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) was confronted on the Senate floor by his colleague, Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), for not doing enough to save the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Hatch created the program with Senator Edward...
The religious right would like you to believe that Christians in this country are being persecuted. But in a large segment of this country, the non-Christians are the ones being persecuted. Two kids in eastern...
There was a time in the not-so-distant past when President Donald Trump's Chief of Staff John Kelly was considered the sane one in Trump's cabinet.
That was until he defended Trump's attack on Rep. Frederica Wilson when...
Even if the rumors about Education Secretary Betsy DeVos' impending resignation are true, the attack upon America's teachers is just getting started.
The Supreme Court announced in September it is going to hear early next year...
Expect the next resignation from President Donald Trump's administration to come fairly soon.
But it's probably not going to be over Russian collusion, money laundering, or lying to the FBI.
This resignation may occur over "lack of...
‘Don’t Say Climate Change!’–New Mexico Considers Revising School Science Standards (Video)
Ted Millar
There is an all-out assault on climate science in America today.
From state governments all the way up to the Energy Department and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the gears of censorship are running on all cylinders...
It's been said that kids can always sniff out someone trying to pull a fast one. One of the most beautiful examples of this in recent memory comes from Broomfield, Colorado; a suburb of Denver....
Last week, a high school class in Cliffside Park, New Jersey played host to one of the most staggeringly racist incidents in recent memory. When a teacher overheard some of her students speaking Spanish, she...
For more than half a century, Harper Lee's "To Kill A Mockingbird" has been a staple of eighth and ninth-grade English classes around the country. It's also been a fixture on lists of banned and...
By now, you know that on Friday night, Richard Spencer and several of his racist, neo-Nazi, and white supremacist friends returned to Charlottesville for another Tiki torch rally. But what you may not know is...
More than ten years ago, mainstream America got an introduction to just how fanatical the religious right can be with the release of "Jesus Camp," a documentary that showed how young kids are turned into...