Many may have been assigned in high school the legendary science fiction author Ray Bradbury's inimitable 1953 dystopic novel Fahrenheit 451. If not, briefly, it's a story about a future America in which books are banned, and...
If you wear glasses and had to begin wearing them at a young age, you probably still recall what grade you were in when you got your first pair. I got mine when I was...
There was a time in the not-so-distant past when President Donald Trump's Chief of Staff John Kelly was considered the sane one in Trump's cabinet. That was until he defended Trump's attack on Rep. Frederica Wilson when...
This past spring, while COVID-19 ripped through mostly Democratic states like New York, Washington, and New Jersey, the American South had yet to feel its full brunt. Later that season, though, into the summer, everything began...
Even if the rumors about Education Secretary Betsy DeVos' impending resignation are true, the attack upon America's teachers is just getting started. The Supreme Court announced in September it is going to hear early next year...
Cropped version of Original found on Pinterest -
On Friday, Jerry Falwell, Jr. the president of Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, stood up in front of the weekly student convocation and decided to make a statement regarding the shootings in San Bernardino, California,...
Benjamin Petty (mugshot courtesy Oklahoma Department of Corrections via KFOR-TV)
Back in 2016, a Texas girl visiting a Christian youth camp in southern Oklahoma was violently raped and sodomized by one of the cooks. And yet, as it stands now, this monster will not serve...
Providence Memorial Hospital in El Paso (courtesy New York Daily News)
A hospital in El Paso is in full damage control mode after it learned a nurse assistant unwittingly put almost 800 people--including over 750 babies--at risk of getting tuberculosis. The woman, whose identity is being withheld...
On April 12, 2016, then-presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) held a campaign rally at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York in which he talked about the "physiology of poverty." In other words, concern over where...
Lily Everett, at left, and her mother, Megan Everett, at right. (courtesy Sunrise Police Department via WPLG)
Back in June, we brought you the story of Lilly Everett (also known as Lilly Baumann), a two-year-old girl from Sunrise, Florida. On May 15, her mother, Megan Everett, skipped town rather than let her...
This week, the Trump administration tested the limits of its anti-immigrant stance by admitting (after denying) and reaffirming its practice of divorcing refugee children from their parents crossing into the United States from the southern border. Public...
Let's be totally honest here: While economic anxiety did indeed play a part in the election of Donald Trump as President, racism, Islamophobia, and xenophobia were also partially responsible for the sudden rise of Trump...
It seems that, once again, the state of Florida is on pace to establish itself as a leader in America's growing authoritarian movement. Banning schools from teaching anything that might resemble an appreciation for racial diversity...
A restaurant sign warning about food allergies (image courtesy Mlheco, available under a Creative Commons BY-SA license)
We've all heard stories about kids literally being hounded to suicide by long and sustained campaigns of bullying. But The Washington Post recently uncovered a scary phenomenon in which bullying can kill--literally. In recent years,...
According to the National Institutes of Health, one out of every 2,000 kids is born with genitals that cannot be clearly identified as male or female. Until recently, the default solution was to perform sex...
gay straight alliance
Jason Kenney has recently been elected leader of the Progressive Conservative party in Alberta, Canada. He has already courted controversy with remarks about informing parents of their children's membership of groups such as the Gay-Straight Alliance. Kenney...
Having been born and raised in Georgia, I can attest to the fact that folks in this part of the country take their religion very seriously. Too seriously at times, in my opinion. And this...
Since Donald Trump became President-elect on November 8, hate crimes have risen dramatically across the United States. The Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks such incidents, says 437 acts of verbal and physical harassment have been...
Just when you think you've seen it all regarding schools being overly strict about what students can wear, a story like this comes along and leaves you shaking your head and wondering where all sanity...
The cover photo for the "Never Again" Facebook page
Ever since the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, overwhelming support for common-sense reform of our gun laws has run into a seemingly immovable object--the National Rifle Association. Like clockwork, the NRA warns that...