For all out there feeling a little demoralized about the class warfare congressional Republicans and President Donald Trump's administration are waging against us, results from Tuesday's elections should lift your spirits.
Let's start in Virginia where...
Rising sea levels and unpredictable weather are not the only consequences of climate change.
Another consequence most don't consider is the effect rising temperatures have on invasive species.
According to the study, "Threats to North American forests from southern...
For the better part of two years, Donald Trump talked about giving the government back to the American people. On the surface, that meant making government more accountable. Well, it looks like the only Republican...
This week, Oregon became the fifth state to raise the age for buying tobacco to 21. The other states are Hawaii, California, New Jersey, and Maine.
Under the Oregon bill signed by Governor Kate Brown, merchants...
Republicans love to tout "local control," "states' rights," and "smaller government."
You've heard the talking points:
"Let the states decide their own gun control laws."
"The federal government is not in the education business."
"It's not the government's job...
It has been revealed that President Donald Trump was unhappy during the Superbowl. In an interview before the game Trump was discussing his friendships with Quarterback Tom Brady and Team Owner Robert Kraft and said this of...
What if you held a pro-Donald Trump, pro-Muslim ban rally and nobody came?
On Saturday, a rally was held in Portland, Maine. It was billed as supporting the alleged president and his Muslim ban, but at...
The cosmos clearly has a sense of humor.
M.D. Harmon was a reporter for Maine's Portland Press Herald for over 40 years. He was a staunch conservative who wrote extensively on gun rights.
Like other gun "enthusiasts," Harmon liked to...
‘Get Over Yourself’ — Even Nutjob Maine Gov. Paul LePage Is Soooo Done With Trump (VIDEO)
Natalie Dailey
The Governor of Maine, Paul LePage, is one example of a major RWNJ. He said that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump made a "stupid move" when he said he won't concede the election.
Le Page said:
Lying Gov. Paul LePage Claims He Misspoke, Meant Trump Should Be Authoritative, Not Authoritarian (VIDEO)
Paddy Maclachlan
Maine Gov. Paul LePage has been forced into an embarrassing backtrack. Talking about his party's Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in an interview with Maine's WVOM radio on Tuesday, he used the word "authoritarian." The next day he had to...
Sometimes it seems like American conservatives live in a parallel universe. Super conservative Republican Governor Paul LePage of Maine certainly seems to create his own reality as he bumbles through life.
Sounds like another Republican in...
Once Again, Trump Children Tell Us The REAL Reason Their Dad Won’t Release His Returns (AUDIO)
Darrell Lucus
Donald Trump has told us for several months that he can't release his tax returns because he's being audited by the IRS. Well, apparently the Trump children know that's baloney. After all, for the third...
The tiny town of Boothbay Harbor, Maine, is a popular yachting and tourist destination attracting thousands of vacationers. But the town manager says one man's homemade sign is turning tourists away.
Linc Sample, a licensed firearms dealer,...
A free speech battle has erupted over a graffiti wall in Portland, Maine. The wall has long been a designated spot for graffiti. The City of Portland has never censored the graffiti, but a recent...
Maine Gov. Paul LePage Demands Apology For EXPERT Trolling That Led To His Tantrum (VIDEO)
Natalie Dailey
The Governor of Maine, Paul LePage, is quite the Tea Party douchebag. He is constantly having to apologize for the stupid shit coming out of his mouth.
One reporter epically trolled LePage at a press conference. Stand-up...
I think by now everyone in the U.S. has heard about the foul mouthed, raging voicemail that Maine's Republican Governor sent to a Democratic State Representative. Most people have no doubt heard about the Governor's...
In a hilarious response to the recent vile language of Governor Paul LePage (R-Me), the Portland Press Herald wrote a letter of apology to the nation.
The Boston Globe reports that the newspaper's editorial board ran an...
Maine's unhinged Tea Party Governor, Paul LePage, has been in the news yet again this week for an obscenity laced voicemail he left a state legislator he thought had called him a racist. In that...
How wonderful to know that we all love our children. Even Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump adores children.
He loves them so much that he wants to date one of his own daughters. He respects children...
Maine’s Republican Governor BUSTED In Voicemail: Prove I’m Racist, You ‘Son Of A B**ch Socialist C**ksucker’ (AUDIO)
Carrie MacDonald
Republican governor Paul LePage is well known for his racist tirades, but he certainly doesn’t like being called out for his comments.
‘I’m After You’
LePage left an expletive-laden rant on Democratic State Representative Drew Gattine’s voice...