A Pennsylvania woman has been charged with abandoning her severely disabled son in the woods so she could visit her boyfriend in Maryland.
Nyia Parler was arrested in Maryland and will be extradited back to Pennsylvania...
Change may be slow at times, but nothing can stop it.
Every year is historic in its own way, but 2020 stands out as one of the most turbulent and interesting in recent times.
One of the...
WATCH: Temple Hospital Sends New Moms and Babies Home With Something Extra, And It May Save Lives
C. Imani Williams
Temple University Hospital in Philadelphia is gifting new moms with baby boxes.
Good Housekeeping reports that the boxes retail between $80-$100 each. The research team believes the boxes can help break the cycle of parents co-sleeping with...
Why do people stay in abusive relationships? When you enter the question into Google over six-million search results populate.
For some people, particularly people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, one of many reasons to stay in an...
Janese Talton-Jackson, 29, was murdered last week in Pittsburgh. She refused the advances of Charles McKinney (now in custody) who expressed interest, and it cost the young mother her life. This is a travesty and...
As a feminist, I am so excited for a female president. However, not everyone likes the idea. Carl Unger in Pennsylvania is concerned for a completely different reason. He is concerned about Hillary Clinton getting her...
On the morning of October 6, 22-year-old Keisha Jenkins was murdered in Philadelphia, PA say local police. Jenkins, a transgender woman, was assaulted by five to six men before being shot, according to Police Chief...
Sam's Morning Glory Diner in Philadelphia has a routine for Fridays: That's the day they come up with the name for the breakfast specials they'll be offering during the coming week.
This past Friday, in light...
Larry Klayman has a long history of conspiracy theories and frivolous lawsuits (no, really - the man sued his own mother). He has either bought into or started just about every nutjob smear campaign against...
How awesome is it that Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett (R) included a black woman in photos on his website? This proves that he knows black people! Right? Well, maybe....but he doesn't know that...
This Poor Gay Couple Is In Debt With Legal Fees After Having Their Garage Door Vandalized
Natalie Dailey
A gay couple in Chester County, Pennsylvania woke up one June last year to find their garage vandalized. Keith David and David Ruth live there with their two children who are Ruth's nephews.
Someone spray-painted "Get...
RWNJ Really Did Stalk Jerry Sandusky’s Victims–And These Tweets Prove It (SCREENSHOTS)
Darrell Lucus
For the better part of the last four years, right-wing talk show host and filmmaker John Ziegler has been on a mission. He believes that former Penn State defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky was framed for...
Pennsylvania Student: School Nurse Refused To See Me Because I Didn’t Recite Pledge Of Allegiance
Darrell Lucus
An eighth-grader in Carlisle, Pennsylvania says that she went to see the school nurse two weeks ago--only to have the nurse turn her away because because she refused to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Now...
Delta Takes A Stand, Bans Pro-Trump Bigot Who Trashed ‘Hillary B***ches’ On Plane (VIDEO)
Darrell Lucus
You may recall that last week, the people on a Delta Air Lines flight from Atlanta to Allentown, Pennsylvania were treated to an ugly display. Before the plane took off, one of the passengers revealed himself to...
For the better part of a century, southwestern Pennsylvania was as Democratic an area of the country as they came. Whenever a Democrat won a statewide or presidential race in the Keystone State, everything from...
The legacy of longtime Penn State football coach Joe Paterno is already a shambles. After all, it is beyond dispute that he knew his longtime defensive coordinator, Jerry Sandusky, molested children. Indeed, Paterno himself admitted...
Congressman Tim Murphy bills himself as one of the most rabid opponents of abortion in the House. But the congressman from the southern suburbs of Pittsburgh was exposed as a full-blown hypocrite when it emerged...
GOP Congressman Heads For Exits After Learning He Can’t Choose His Voters (PHOTOS/TWEET)
Darrell Lucus
As we all know, election night 2016 effectively ended when Pennsylvania was called for Donald Trump by the narrowest of margins--a mere 44,000 votes out of more than six million cast. The reason that this...
Donald Trump has an important message for fossil fuel executives:
“You will like me so much.”
The Republican presidential candidate touted his pro-fossil fuel agenda Thursday at the Shale Insight conference in Pittsburgh. The conference brings industry...
College Republicans have long been a bit of an oxymoron on campuses across the United States. For every one Alex P. Keaton, there are roughly 40 Mike “meathead” Stivics. According to a piece in the...