Please note: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views of Liberal America or its staff.
Monday December 26, 2016, started out as an ordinary evening...
Nelson Mandela said:
"There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children."
If that is true, our society has a very dark soul.
Portland, Oregon, like so many American...
There was a time in the not-so-distant past when President Donald Trump's Chief of Staff John Kelly was considered the sane one in Trump's cabinet.
That was until he defended Trump's attack on Rep. Frederica Wilson when...
For the better part of two decades, fringe charismatic church in western North Carolina that has been under fire for abusive, controlling, and outright cultish tactics. However, it's only been recently that this church has...
This week, the Trump administration tested the limits of its anti-immigrant stance by admitting (after denying) and reaffirming its practice of divorcing refugee children from their parents crossing into the United States from the southern border.
Most would think the following question has an obvious answer: "Who would you rather have in power: an alleged serial pedophile or a democrat?"
A new Washington Post poll shows that residents of Alabama are having trouble...
It appears that accused pedophile Roy Moore believes that America's last "great" era took place when African Americans were in chains picking cotton calling white men "master."
During a campaign event earlier in the year, Moore...
The GOP has no idea what to do with Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore. He has been ignored, endorsed, told to withdraw from the race, and every other option available. One significant person does not...
Last week, we witnessed another example of President Donald Trump effacing his predecessor's legacy under the guise of eliminating "job-killing regulations."
In what Trump hailed as a "new energy revolution that celebrates American production on American soil," the...
Who fears the dentist? My mom does. After reading something like this, you won't blame her or these angry parents.
What started out as a Facebook page to share stories about the bad experiences at Dr....
Heartbreaking Photo Of A 4-Year-Old Syrian Girl ‘Surrendering’ To A Photojournalist
Tiffany Willis Clark
How horribly sad and unjust is this? Why should any child automatically know how to behave when a "weapon" is in her face?
This little Syrian girl -- 4-year-old Hudea -- knew exactly what to do...
Everything You Think You Know About How To Prevent Child Sexual Abuse Is Wrong (VIDEO)
Liberal America
Quick quiz: what's the best way to prevent child sexual abuse?
It's devastating to think about, something no parent or loved one would ever want to consider. And yet thinking about how to prevent it is one...
Just one hour after alt-Right, and racist, Milo Yiannopoulos was confirmed as a key note speaker at the 2017 annual gathering of conservatives, or CPAC, video surfaced from Yiannopoulos's past where he makes a bold...
Cardinal George Pell, once the Cardinal of Australia, and currently the third highest ranking official in the Vatican, has been charged with a series of historical sex offenses. He is the highest ranking member of the...
When the people of Birmingham, Huntsville, and Mobile walked out to get their morning papers, they were greeted by a rare sight--a front-page editorial. But under the circumstances, it was more than warranted. The three...
Many of us were spanked as a child. Some schools even were able to spank people. Now, it seems to be going out of fashion. Many people say that spanking has a lasting effect on...
The battle for the soul of the GOP continues to rage. Senator Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) continues to be at the forefront of that battle, as he appeared at a rally in Mesa, Arizona on Saturday....
Late last month, more than 40 former members of a fringe charismatic church in Spindale, North Carolina told the Associated Press that their former church had spent the last two decades covering up abusive and outright...
Jim Bob Duggar Kept The Devil in the Closet – At Least Until The Statute Of Limitations Expired
Robert L. Franklin
The Statute of Limitations has expired and any chance of convicting Josh Duggar for his indiscretions is long past, so why is there so much fuss about the charges? Because it goes a lot deeper...
Most of the questions about last week's grisly shooting at a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas center around how the gunman was even able to get his hands on a gun in the first place....