Please note: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views of Liberal America or its staff.
Monday December 26, 2016, started out as an ordinary evening...
Wacko Bird Alex Jones: ‘Hillary Clinton Has Personally, Murdered, Chopped Up, And Raped’ Children
Liberal America
No doubt you're aware of Alex Jones, who hosts his own paranoid radio show filled with conspiracy theories where he churns out lies so ridiculous that you have to possess a non-fully formed conservative brain...
The problems with the foster care system in Texas are well-documented and far-reaching. Anyone who has spent time in the care system in the state of Texas will be well aware of these issues.
There is a...
Last week FBI Director James Comey sent a letter to key members of Congress. It told them that the bureau had found emails that could possibly be related to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Or not.
Jared Fogle’s Ex-Wife: Subway Knew About Fogle’s ‘Depravities’ And Covered Them Up (VIDEO)
Darrell Lucus
Subway has spent most of 2016 rebuilding its reputation after it emerged that its longtime pitchman, Jared Fogle, was a child pornographer and serial child molester. However, in the wake of these revelations, a number...
Trigger WARNING: This chronicles a true case of child sexual abuse. It is descriptive and graphic. NSFW.
I was 10. It was innocent play. A quick and simple brush of my crotch. I didn't seem to...
BUSTED: CEO Of World’s Largest ‘Online Brothel’ ARRESTED For Selling Sex With Kids (VIDEO)
Paddy Maclachlan
Carl Ferrer, CEO of the Backpage classified sales site, was arrested yesterday over allegations that adult and child victims have been coerced into prostitution through ads placed on the site. Documents filed in the case...
A 9-month-old baby in West Virginia has died from a sexual assault. The alleged attacker, 32-year-old Benjamin Taylor, is currently in jail after being found in the apartment with the dead baby in the basement.
The Jackson...
A seven-month-old child died after being left in a hot car at Marshall Space Flight Center at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. Officials are investigating. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Redstone Arsenal officials are conducting the...
A man is being investigated by police and Child Protective Services after being seen pulling his young daughter's hair through a Walmart.
A concerned Texas woman captured photos of the aggressive father violently pulling his daughter's...
School can be a hard time. Raging hormones, groupism, trying to fit in, knowing the newest trends, oh, and assignments. But the most mortifying bit is being bullied and ending up eating alone in a cafeteria...
BREAKING: Anthony Weiner Allegedly Had Sexting Relationship With 15-Year-Old Girl (VIDEO)
Jordan Baranowski
Former New York Representative Anthony Weiner is back at it. According to The Daily Mail, Weiner was recently involved in a sexting relationship with a 15-year-old girl, despite the fact that he knew she was underage...
Most schools in the U.S. have stopped the physical paddling of children. One of the few holdouts is my state, Alabama. During the 2013 - 2014 school year, Alabama spanked over 19,000 children.
Rep. Terri Collins,...
Ex-Mayor Who ‘Dedicated Life To Christ’ Admits To Raping 4-Year-Old, Then Says She Was ‘Willing’ (VIDEO)
Robert L. Franklin
In 2010, newly elected Hubbard, Ohio mayor Richard Keenan spoke candidly about his religious values with the Youngstown Vindicator:
"I'm a Christian. Dedicating my life to Jesus has changed my life. Don't preach it, but live it."
The Oakland Police Department has known since September 2015 about their officers sexually exploiting a victim of human trafficking. The girl who calls herself Celeste Guap allegedly slept with as many as 31 police officers...
Toby Willis, patriarch of TLC reality show The Willis Family, has been arrested in Kentucky for allegedly raping an underage girl 12 years ago. This marks the second high profile scandal in as many years for...
This woman was sexually abused when she was eight years old. Fifteen years later, she is now a police officer and has caught her attacker. She secretly taped his confession.
She can't be named legally, so...
Most of the furor over Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act focused on the prospect that it could legally sanction discrimination against the LGBT community. But there's another, more fundamental problem with the law that was most associated...
It's been amply established that former Subway pitchman Jared Fogle is a perverted sleazeball. Last year, in the face of overwhelming evidence that he'd used his celebrity status to victimize dozens of kids, he pleaded...
Celeste Guap is in a Florida prison facing felony charges of aggravated assault. Her bail was set for $300,000. The 19 year old is a survivor of human trafficking and child sexual exploitation. She was...