Janet Mefferd (image from Mefferd's Website)
In the month since a horrific shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, we've seen a significant element of the right reveal its true colors. They aren't too keen on kids speaking...
bill murray
Actor/Comedian Bill Murray isn't known for taking many public stances on political issues. However, that changed after the tragic school shooting that took place on Valentine's Day in Parkland, Florida, claiming 17 innocent lives. "We are...
gun violence
In the wake of the horrific Valentine's Day school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, which claimed 17 innocent lives, Donald Trump has finally decided to do something about gun violence...
The cover photo for the "Never Again" Facebook page
On Friday, Florida governor Rick Scott signed a sweeping set of gun regulations into law. The move came three weeks after a grisly mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, near Fort...
john oliver
On the most recent episode of Last Week Tonight, host John Oliver (we are LOVING this show!) took a closer look at the National Rifle Association's propaganda media branch known as NRATV. Oliver explained that NRATV is...
School Teacher
Recently in response to the tragic school shooting that claimed the lives of 17 people in Parkland, Florida on Valentine's day, The National Rifle Association's favorite 30.3 million-dollar puppet Donald Trump insisted that arming America's...
A church in Pennsylvania is urging its members to bring in their AR-15 assault rifles so they can perform a special "blessing ceremony" on the weapons of war that they believe to be instruments of God. The...
Rush Limbaugh speaking by satellite to the 2010 Conservative Political Action Conference (image courtesy Gage Skidmore, available under a Creative Commons BY-SA license)
Rush Limbaugh has a bad habit of saying the wrong thing at precisely the wrong time. Sunday was no different. He thinks that when survivors of mass shootings are playing politics when they call out...
Clarence Thomas at the National Archives in 2012 (image courtesy Annamarie Carlson, available under a Creative Commons BY-NC license)
As of Tuesday, Clarence Thomas has been a justice on the Supreme Court for 9,610 days. Based on his record, it's reasonable to assume that he's found at least that many ways to dishonor the...
Featured image via YouTube
Following last week's the horrific school shooting which left 17 innocent people dead, many have been quick to blame the National Rifle Association (NRA) for fueling the gun addicted sub-culture that played a part in...
One thing has become as certain as death and taxes in the wake of mass shootings. Rather than stand up to the National Rifle Association and the faceless men in the gun industry who write...
The cover photo for the "Never Again" Facebook page
Ever since the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, overwhelming support for common-sense reform of our gun laws has run into a seemingly immovable object--the National Rifle Association. Like clockwork, the NRA warns that...
Yesterday, as the country was still reeling from the thirtieth mass shooting in the first 45 days of the year, the eighteenth school shooting, I decided to look up how much the Republican, John Faso (NY-19),...
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (featured image courtesy Formulanone, part of public domain)
Late Friday, attorneys for the man responsible for one of the worst school shootings in recent history dropped a bombshell--their client is willing to accept a sentence of life in prison if prosecutors take the...
What have we come to as a nation? One day before a 19-year-old former student opened fire on Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Fla., killing 17, a Kansas Republican announced on his social media pages...
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (featured image courtesy Formulanone, part of public domain)
Lately, when there's a mass shooting at a school, you can count on right-wing luminaries to claim that such butchery would have never happened if Jesus were still welcome in the schoolhouse and in our...
Earlier this month, the Iraqi government declared that it had chased the Islamic State out of its territory. But it doesn't look like ISIS is going down quietly. That much was made clear earlier this...
The Pentagon in 2010 (image courtesy Camila Ferreira and Mario Duran, available under a Creative Commons BY-SA license)
It has been amply established that one of the worst mass shootings of 2017 was completely preventable. On November 5, Devin Kelley burst into the morning service at First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas...
Dan Johnson At Heart Of Fire Church
On Wednesday, the body of controversial Republican state Rep. Dan Johnson was discovered near Mount Washington. The Kentucky legislator died from apparent suicide by a semi-automatic handgun. His death happened a day after Johnson denied...
Wednesday, the House of Representatives passed 231 to 198 the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017, allowing concealed carry permit holders to transport their weapons across state lines. As a result, rifts are forming between legislators in even solidly...