The NRA has officially entered a new era. Gone are the days where the organization works with the White House to bring about common sense legislation that protects the rights of guns owners as well...
As the national debate over gun control rages on, we watchful citizens are being constantly reminded by those on the political "right" (directional, not necessarily correct!) side of the discourse, that there is no great...
Bill Maher continuously fights against pro-gun Republicans who are innately paranoid over their liberties being infringed upon. The fear is so intense that those conservatives believe we may need to start an armed insurrection. On...
Sometimes when facts and logic don't work, the only thing left is humor. The issue of gun control seems to have hit that point. One film maker decided to do just that. Instead of pointing...
Irate At Senators Who Voted Down Background Check Bill? Here Are Their Twitter Handles
Tiffany Willis Clark
A couple of weeks ago, many of our Senators went against the will of 90 percent of the American people and?rejected a bipartisan compromise amendment?that would have expanded gun background checks. ?This group included four...
The big thing when I was a kid: paintball. It was the closest a fourteen-year-old could get to real combat. The only problem was acquiring CO2. The guns required compressed CO2 in order to fire,...
America’s Insane Gun Laws Could Become The Stuff Terrorists’ Dreams Are Made Of (VIDEO)
Tiffany Willis Clark
Al Qaeda is a dangerous terrorist outfit responsible for countless untold horrors. We all know that. Now, a video from a few years back featuring its spokesman, American-born Adam Gadahn, has surfaced to warn America...
Here is the full text of the failed Senate gun control bill. It's a very dark day in America. A day on which we know that our elected officials care more about money and their...
If I hear one more stupid, unbelievable, ignorant reason that the Sandy Hook massacre occurred, I'm going to lose my cool.
Obama, video games, teachers not having guns (did any of OUR teachers have guns???), too...