Trump gives speech on Nov. 30.
On Thursday, President Donald Trump issued a speech attempting to characterize his legislative goals and tax cut bill as "populist." Despite significant contradictory analysis, the president claimed his efforts negativity affect wealthy individuals and aids...
Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) was confronted on the Senate floor by his colleague, Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), for not doing enough to save the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Hatch created the program with Senator Edward...
Well, it happened. Early Saturday morning, Senate Republicans narrowly passed the most sweeping tax reform bill in three decades. President Donald Trump is now steps away from his first legislative victory. In the 51-49 vote requiring frenetic last-minute revision, Republicans...
The Senate is expected very soon to vote on the Republican tax "reform" bill that passed the House of Representatives two weeks ago. Many fear it's going to pass. Those on the right are still trying to...
Let me start off by saying I have no problem with the media. I refer to it and quote it every day in these articles. I respect our "fourth estate" as a formidable barrier between a free...
"Believe me." That's what President Donald Trump told supporters at a September 27 event in Indiana, referring to how much he stood to lose under the Republican tax plan that ultimately passed the House of Representatives on Thursday...
They're at it again. As if the proposed Senate Republican tax plan did not put enough targets on average Americans' backs, according to multiple reports, the revised bill includes another insult: repeal the Affordable Care Act's, aka Obamacare, individual...
Last year, public sector unions dodged a bullet after the U.S. Supreme Court deadlocked on the Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association (CTA) case that threatened to eliminate fair share fees, aka union dues, that support strong collective bargaining...
815 million people around the world went hungry last year. This, according to the latest data from the United Nations, is the first increase in global hunger in more than 15 years. Sweeping initiatives from nations all...
Republicans failed yet again to “repeal and replace” the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), aka Obamacare, with the “Graham-Cassidy-Johnson-Heller” health care bill last month. In response, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) told President...
Tax cuts. The very mention of them sends shivers down conservative and progressive spines. Progressives take issue with their tax dollars helping to perpetuate a military industrial complex and subsidies to fossil fuel corporations, while conservatives and...
Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin is famous for foreclosing on many people caught up in the 2008 housing crisis. He was even known as the 'forclosure king'. He also managed to escape prosecution. Well meet his wife,...
It's easy to pick on the little guy. Every day, minorities, the poor, the sick, undocumented, and ex-felons must contend with threats and exploitation to which most of the time they are virtually powerless. Pursuing legal redress...
On April 12, 2016, then-presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) held a campaign rally at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York in which he talked about the "physiology of poverty." In other words, concern over where...
As President Trump and the GOP-controlled Congress begin their coordinated assault on the most vulnerable members of American society, rest assured that they and their wealthy contributors won't have to sacrifice anything. From health care...
Ben Carson, the former presidential candidate, is a soft spoken intellectual. He is by all accounts a brilliant surgeon with gentle hands and a serene demeanor. Even so, sometimes he sounds like a complete idiot. The man...
Is healthcare a privilege? Or is healthcare a right? It’s a nuanced debate. When it comes to that debate, according to Kevin D. Williamson in his article The 'Right' to Healthcare: "There isn’t one." That’s certainly a hard pill...
If there's one thing Republicans excel at (other than lying and making excuses for their criminal behavior), it's finding new ways to screw the poorest and most vulnerable among us. If you're poor, have a...
The House Republicans may have passed their healthcare bill last Thursday, but GOP Senators are saying they want to write their own bill. Most likely, they won’t even vote on the current Trumpcare plan. Surprisingly, one...
Keith Olberman does not mince words and gave a stern message about the GOP’s treatment of Americans and their celebration over the recent healthcare vote in the House of Representatives. The cruel part is that...