Tag: christian

Donald Trump Bible Passage End Times Prophecy

God Is Using Trump To Punish ‘Wicked America’ Say End-Times Christians

Donald Trump (R-N.Y.) announced his candidacy for president in June of 2015, and the world laughed. The religious right prophesied Trump’s eventual rise, citing bible passage...

Some Christian Men Still Trying To Make Their Wives Submit….In 2016!

Women beware! A Christian blog post from 2013 has gone viral around the world. It's called "How To Make Your Wife Submit To Your...

Carson Defends Trump As ‘Will Of The People’

Ben Carson now defends Donald Trump as a candidate, calling his potential election the "will of the people." Carson spoke earlier today at the Conservative...

‘Gay People Don’t Feel Love,’ Crazy TV Pastor’s Bizarre Claims

Christian television personality Pat Robertson claims that gay people will be unable to feel love unless they repent for their homosexual sins. Host of the...

The S.C. Evangelical Chairman For Ted Cruz Proves Scarier Than Glenn...

It seems that Ted Cruz and his far-right Christian supporters took advantage of the sudden death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia this past...

Fundamentalist Christian Jerk Leaves Dirty Trick As Tip For Waiter

Garrett Wyman is a good kid from Wichita, Kansas, who works hard as a waiter in a restaurant. He recently thought one of his...

An Open Letter: Keeping The Christ In Christmas

Let's face it, Americans took the Christ out of Christmas a long time ago. If you want to keep the Christ in Christmas or any other day, you're going about it all wrong.

Arizona Christian Fights Hatred With Loving Note To Area Muslims

A Christian woman in Scottsdale, Arizona, decided to take the question "What would Jesus do?" to heart and penned a note of love and...

Soldier Expresses His True Feelings In This Open Letter To All...

It seems that Muslims are in the middle of their own personal war in America. On one hand, there is fear that all Muslims...

Christian Homeschooler Found Guilty Of Locking Daughter In Chicken Coop

A Georgia mother who homeschooled her adopted daughter has been found guilty on 28 counts of child abuse and could now face a sentence...

Paris Concert Goers Responsible For Their Own Deaths Says Christian Pastor

Late Friday, Liberal America reported that the horrific terrorist attack of the Bataclan theater in Paris was finally over. The music that night was...

Do Honor Killings Happen In America?

By now, most everyone has heard some sensational story about "honor killings," which we're convinced happen most often in the Middle East and are...
Mike Huckabee at Thomas Road Baptist Church (courtesy Wikimedia Commons)

Mike Huckabee’s Solution To Crime? Slavery

We already know that Mike Huckabee is no longer even trying to pass himself off as a kinder, gentler Christian conservative. Indeed, he's been...

Nurturing Dad Attacked By Christian Big-Mouth Joshua Feuerstein Over Children’s Toys

Recently, two men have gone viral in videos that concern “gender appropriate toys.” Yes… gender appropriate toys. After an Ojai, California, man by the...

A 92-Year-Old Woman Prank Calls A Christian Radio Station…Hilarity Ensues

I have to admit, I have thought of calling a conservative radio talk show like the one Rush Limbaugh does just so I can...

Christian Mike Huckabee Calls Out Same-Sex Marriage

Former governor of Arkansas and GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee called out gays everywhere and said Christian churches, businesses, and universities "no longer have...

Atheist Vs Believer: Interesting Philosophical Debate Scene From HBO Show ‘True...

For those who are not familiar with the HBO show "True Detective," here is a brief summary of the show. True Detective is a drama...
gay and lesbian wedding

Scott Lively: The Gay And Lesbian Wedding Curse Could Be Stopped...

Scott Lively has a way to end the gay and lesbian wedding curse on America.?In a recent column by the anti-LGBT pundit, he argues...

Presbyterian Church Redefines Marriage To Include Same Sex Couples

After a nationwide vote, the Presbyterian Church of the U.S. has redefined marriage to include the union of same sex couples. With this action,...

Florida Minister Wants To Convert Robots To Christianity

// // In the near future, Reverend Christopher Benek plans to expand his congregation in a most unusual way: he intends to convert robots...