Tag: debate

The Funniest Thing To Come Out Of Sunday Night’s Fight…Err…Debate (VIDEO)

It is safe to say this election season has been far beyond controversial. Between Trump scandals and the extreme tension between Hillary Clinton and...

Whiny, Immature Trump Caught Cheating Off Of Clinton During The Debate...

Warning: The following piece contains graphic language quoted directly from Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. As such, this article may not be suitable for...

Canadian Ex-Pats: Trump Is Lying, Canada’s Healthcare System Is AMAZING (VIDEO)

Donald Trump is notorious for being unable to play nice with Mexico. But it seems his ignorance and dishonesty are now turning him against...

Moderator Anderson Cooper Attacked With Homophobic Slurs By Trump Fans (TWEETS/VIDEO)

Warning: The following piece contains graphic language and may not be suitable for all audiences. On Sunday, we witnessed Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump performing...
Debate 2

Manterruption Count: This Is How Many Times Trump Interrupted Clinton During...

There were a whole lot of cringe worthy moments in the second presidential debate. There was scary moments when Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump...
patton oswalt

J.K. Rowling, George Takei, Patton Oswalt, And Other Celebrities UNLOAD On...

If you watched last night’s debate between Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and were appalled by Trump’s hulking,...

Top 5 Fact Checks From The Second Presidential Debate (TWEETS/VIDEO)

Last night, we witnessed the debacle that was the second presidential debate. The nominees faced off while answering audience and social media questions in...
Debate 2

DEBUNKED: Trump Lies Again, Moderators Did NOT Give Clinton More Time....

Throughout the town hall debate, Donald Trump’s favorite thing to argue was that Hillary Clinton was getting more time to speak than he was....

VIDEO: The Most Outrageous Things Trump Said At Sunday’s Debate

Nobody has ever accused Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump of delicacy. No one who has ever met the man has claimed that he is...
Debate 2

Debate Round Number 2: How The Twitterverse Reacted! (TWEETS)

Well with the second presidential debate done and dusted, Twitter has once again provided the platform for some very funny and candid reactions. The first noticeable...
republican nominee donald trump

Muslim Man’s Tweet Goes VIRAL: ‘I’d Like To Report Crazy Man...

In the town hall debate tonight, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told a Muslim woman in the audience that Muslims needed to speak out. Trump...

The Night Donald Trump Debated Against Himself – And Still Lost...

Still reeling from his catastrophic, vote-losing debate with Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton last week, the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump experimented last night with...

Top 6 One-Liners Of The Vice Presidential Debate, Mostly From Tim...

Last night, the vice presidential candidates faced off in the Vice Presidential debate. It was not quite as exciting as the presidential debate, but...

HA! Mike Pence Accidentally ‘Whips’ Up Support For Clinton (VIDEO)

If you've ever taught fifth or sixth grade, you know that there are some phrases you must avoid at all costs. Any reference to a body...

It’s Their Turn: VP Picks Kaine and Pence To Butt Heads...

We've witnessed the debate between Republican nominee Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. Now it's time for their pick for vice president...

Women Supporting Trump: ‘He’s Our God…’ The Trumpettes! (VIDEO)

This week, we had the first presidential debate. The two candidates, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, faced off on...
Image courtesy DonkeyHotey, available under a Creative Commons BY-SA license)

Town Hall Debate Could Spell YUUUUGE Trouble For Trump–This Is Why...

No matter what Donald Trump wants to have us believe, Hillary Clinton brought him his head at the first presidential debate. Well, would you...

9 HILARIOUS Tweets About The Presidential Debate (TWEETS/VIDEO)

This week, we watched the event that we have been waiting for. The presidential candidates faced off in the first debate of the season....

INSIDERS: Trump Was Bored, Distracted, Disinterested During Debate Prep

For a little more than 30 years, I was a teacher of young children. More than half of that time was spent working in...

Whiny Baby Donald Trump Says The Debate Was Rigged (VIDEO)

On Monday night, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton faced off in the first presidential debate. Clinton was prepared and...