We all love life hacks. They make our lives just a little bit easier. They make chores quicker. There are hundreds of ingenious hacks out there. Just Google 'best life hacks' and you won't be...
You do your best to be a progressive liberal. You get involved with the causes that matter to you. You make sure to surround yourself with positive, progressive folks and try not to get bogged...
When you live in a stronghold of religion surrounded by faithful churchgoers, faith healers or loyal Bar mitzvah party throwers, it may be difficult?to come up with effective ways to let people know you side...
Have you ever wanted to help organize a political campaign and didn't know how? Well, here are some basic steps and tips to get you started. Examining The Difference Between Organizing And Mobilizing Organizing involves getting people together...
Most of your reality is not a given. It is shaped by your expectations, beliefs, and thoughts you have formed about it. A big chunk of these beliefs and expectations are encoded into habits you...
Do you remember seeing any of these advertisements on Facebook last year? Last month, news broke about evidence confirming Russian buyers used Facebook advertising as propaganda leading up to the last year's presidential election. In response, Facebook presented Congress 3,000 Russian-purchased ads...
Poor people will eat just about anything to keep from starving to death. There are some absolutely horrid things and a few things that are still eaten today. 1. Peanut Butter Stuffed Onions Food historians Andrew Coe and Jane...
Today is International Women's Day. It is a global day of recognition of the many ways that women have contributed to culture, society, politics, business and economics. It is a day calling for gender equality...
Did you know that Humans are the only species that produce tears when emotional? Tears are not just superficial expressions of emotion, however. They also serve a very necessary purpose. There are 3 types of...
Do you ever wonder how to tell if someone is lying to you? A Former FBI agent and a former CIA agent weighed in on the topic. FBI Agent The first sign the FBI agent gave was...
Our modern world is so fast-paced. We all have cell phones attached to our arms and are expected to constantly be available. In this country, we work longer hours than any other country. We put...
Well, now. As we look for silver linings to the horror that was our presidential election, as we wring our hands and wipe our tears and desperately try to find a positive spin, we can look...
52 week money challenge
This isn't the kind of stuff I typically write for Liberal America, and in fact, I deleted and changed that headline a dozen times before I felt it was OK. I'm not the best person...
Facebook is introducing a new feature for users and this time, it's really cool! How many times has a friend updated you on Facebook of something sad ("Mom is not doing well, I'm really worried about...
american accent
The American accent has been a target of ridicule for countless of years now. No truer is this then, when it comes to our cousins across the pond in jolly good England. While we consider...
There are many things that women have to do or like to do every day to avoid being sexually or otherwise harassed. Here are just seven things that women do that men might not realize they do: 1. Keys In...
Like most people, I've found that it's depressing to set New Year's Resolutions. We tend to set our goals too high and end up feeling like LOSERS. What I've found, however, is that by setting...
FBI Director James Comey recently said in an interview that everyone should be keeping their webcams covered. He said it is one of the "sensible things" people can do to protect their privacy. Security experts say...
No one can deny that the world of social media has become a volatile place since the election. From friends engaging in ugly arguments on Facebook to nasty tweets being sent over political opinions, verbal...
I'm the type of guy who likes to live by a good philosophy, and that usually means I like to think positively, fairly, and?even?strategically.?These are all contributors to wisdom, and being wise is a grand...