Trump Had A Major Meltdown On Twitter – Accusing Dems Of Everything Under The Sun (TWEETS)
Amelia Walker
President Trump stormed Twitter on Thursday with a series of ridiculous rants aimed at blaming Democrats for everything under the sun. He blasted them "on everything from healthcare to national parks to border security."
The theme...
The news these days is so scary and dark that many therapists are reporting a spike in patients with Trump induced anxiety. If you're one of the people suffering from a fear of imminent nuclear...
TRUTH: GOP Congressman Says House Intel Chair Devin Nunes ‘Answers To The President’
Liberal America
If you were under the impression that House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes is merely a tool of the White House with his attempts to shut down the Trump-Russia hearings, his midnight trips to the...
New York City Neighborhoods Got A Big Valentine’s Day Surprise – #LoveThroughHate (IMAGES)
Brittany Wortham
Residents of New York City received a very special Valentine's Day greeting on Tuesday. Projected onto several buildings in the city was an image of a smiling, pregnant Donald Trump being held by a proud...
Thursday evening on CNN, Van Jones will be hosting a town hall on the issue of Donald Trump and his first few weeks in office. One of his guests will be comedian and talk show...
Der Spiegel magazine has everyone talking about their controversial new cover art this week. The illustration by Edel Rodriguez depicts President Donald Trump triumphantly holding the severed head of the Statue of Liberty in one...
In what may go down as 10 of the most interesting and excruciating minutes in television history, CNN host Wolf Blitzer caught former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani lying about his statements on what...
A certain super PAC put up an odd billboard in Florida recently, comparing Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump to a specific type of whiny gamer. And people love it.
'Donald Trump Mains Hanzo'
If you're not a...
Trump To Dying People: ‘I Don’t Care How Sick You Are’ – Stay Alive Long Enough To Vote (Video)
Liberal America
Just when you think you've heard it all, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump outdoes himself with a special message to the terminally ill. How? He orders the terminally ill to stay alive long enough to...
During this entire campaign, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has used his history as a businessman to try and convince people to vote for him. Some people may disagree that he has a great business...
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her campaign have released many great ads, simply made by just holding up a mirror to her rival, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, and his comments, in order to really...
Donald Trump has a tenuous relationship with the truth, to put it politely.
Now he has taken his dishonesty across the Atlantic, to Europe.
RawStory is reporting that at a campaign rally this week, Trump turned his attacks...
The Simpsons may be officially on summer hiatus, but that didn’t stop them from weighing in on the 2016 election.
The longest-running animated serie, sitcom, and scripted primetime series of all time is, of course, no stranger to...
"I'm not as worried about Debbie Wasserman Schultz wanting to help elect Hillary as I am of Vladimir Putin trying to help elect Trump."
A bit of perspective. Yes, the Democrats have kneecapped themselves again. We...
Liberal America listed a number of outrageous things Donald Trump had said in an article back in April. Any of the comments should have disqualified him for even running as a presidential candidate.
Shockingly, it hasn't...
BREAKING: Trump Recruits Michele Bachmann And James Dobson For Evangelical Executive Advisory Board
Liberal America
In a move seemingly geared to prove he’s a devout Christian, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump (R-N.Y) has staffed up an "evangelical advisory board" full of true believers who will help guide him down the...
Breaking: Trump Read Wrong Speech Off His Teleprompter After Orlando Shooting (VIDEO)
Liberal America
Remember Donald Trump's speech after the Orlando shooting, when he mistakenly described the shooter as born in Afghanistan?
"The killer, who's name I will not use, or ever say, was born in Afghan, of Afghan parents,...
Since then Sen. Barack Obama announced his candidacy for the presidency in 2008, he and his wife Michelle have endured racist taunts and commentary. As his presidency comes to a close, let's take a look...
The controversy over Donald Trump's reluctance to release his tax returns has led to a hashtag war on Twitter, initiated by Comedy Central's The Daily Show, and it's hilarious.
The Daily Show's host, Trevor Noah, introduced...
WATCH: MSNBC Host SHUTS DOWN Marsha Blackburn For Saying She’s ‘Curious’ About Trump
Liberal America
If you've ever seen Tennessee Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn, then the chances are pretty good that you probably dislike her as much as I do. She's shrill, brainless, hateful, and all too typical of today's GOP.