They're called "long-haulers". They're victims of Covid-19 in a separate category from the 80% who experience mild symptoms and those complaining of severe symptoms for three to six weeks. They're a combination of the two, battling lasting...
Is there really any doubt anymore Donald Trump is fanning the flames of right-wing domestic terror? While it may be true Trump finally capitulated to pressure to condemn white supremacist groups in an interview with Fox...
Two years ago, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) told CNN Donald Trump’s isolated, erratic, and delusional behavior was presenting a dangerous situation. Raskin, therefore, supported a bill to establish a bipartisan panel with Vice President Mike Pence to invoke...
One day before being released from Walter Reed Naval Hospital for treatment for COVID-19, Donald Trump stated in a video he "learned a lot about Covid,” adding: "I learned it by really going to school. This...
In 2016, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham said about former President Barack Obama's Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland: He said it again two years later: Well, last week Donald Trump nominated his third Supreme Court justice...
Two days after the first presidential debate against Democratic rival Joe Biden, at which Donald Trump refused to condemn white supremacist groups, even instructing the white supremacist group "The Proud Boys" to “stand back and...
We here in real America should be growing accustomed to wearing masks in public, avoiding crowds, social distancing, and rubbing our hands raw with prodigious amounts of hand sanitizer. We here in real America have to...
The ways in which Donald Trump has threatened our republic over the past three and a half years are legion. Yet, every day, he adds more evidence the country he took a bible oath to protect...
In just the past year and a half, the Trump administration’s war on immigrants has perpetrated the following crimes against humanity: Created a phony university to entice undocumented immigrants; Suggested fortifying Trump’s racist border wall with a snake- or alligator-infested...
In the country of Oceania, the setting of George Orwell's prescient 1949 novel 1984, the Ministry of Truth is charged with the role of re-writing history according to the Inner Party's ephemeral political interests. Ministry of...
A jointly authored article from The Nation and the Columbia Journalism Review noted last year: “Judging by the climate coverage to date, most of the US news media still don’t get grasp the seriousness of this issue. This journalistic failure has given...
"There are hit squads being trained all over this country." "There are scientists who work for this government who do not want America to get well, not until after Joe Biden is president." "If you carry guns,...
Civil unrest, an unmitigated pandemic, white supremacist fascists marching in the streets, an ailing economy, worsening income inequality, lies, and voter suppression. This is Donald Trump's America. If he is re-elected to a second term, these will...
Donald Trump is not the first "law and order" president. Richard Nixon claimed to be in 1968. So did presidential candidate and segregationist Alabama governor George Wallace. Nixon was, as history documents, one of the least lawful, if...
Type "BLM" or "ANTIFA" into any search engine of your choice and you're bound to be inundated with headlines like "Antifa Plans Anti-America Attacks, Blm Declares 'War On Police'." Last month's Republican convention was a veritable...
Did you know some people believe Democrats, the media, and some government agencies are either inter-dimensional demons or psychic vampires running a child sex trafficking ring? There normally wouldn't be any reason to waste time explaining...
Who doesn't want to pay lower taxes? Of all the concerns voters have, the amount they pay in taxes seems to be the most prevalent complaint. So when Donald Trump signed a memorandum last week suspending payroll...
Months ago, several political commentators (including this one) floated the possibility that behind Donald Trump and the complicit republican party's call to de-fund the United States Postal Service (USPS) is an insidious voter suppression strategy. We...
In 2017, Donald Trump announced the United States would be withdrawing from the landmark Paris Climate Accords, for which the formal withdrawal process began this past November and is expected to conclude this November 4th--that...
The 2020 presidential election is in exactly three months. Most polls predict a Biden win. Some are predicting a Biden landslide. However, even though Donald Trump’s approval ratings are in the toilet, assuming his political demise is a fait accompli is...