Wednesday, February 12, 2025
As the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals hears arguments against President Trump's controversial "travel ban," Republicans on Capital Hill are making a hard push to dismantle the court system and reduce it's power over the...
President Donald J. Trump has absolutely no intention of ever showing the public his tax returns. In spite of his promises during the campaign to do just that, he has now made it clear that...
David Barton
The United States is not a “Christian” nation. In addition, one does not have to be a Christian in order to be a “true” American. Despite what should be obvious to most any student of a...
We've heard all the descriptions of our new President. He's a bully. He's a demagogue, he's a megalomaniac. Experts of all kinds have given their diagnoses. Attention Deficit. Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Language Disorder. Paranoia. Well, I have...
You all know what gallows humor is, right? When you're stuck in a situation that is so upsetting and stressful that you start making jokes about just how awful it is. I hear that emergency room...
There is a word to describe President Trump's first week in office although it might not be a word that you're familiar with. Certainly, it's not one we've used to describe the Presidency before. But...
For the past few weeks, we have heard the term "fake news" being tossed around. President-elect Donald Trump even used it at his first press conference since the election. He attacked a CNN reporter and...
It is a long standing tradition that the incoming president bring along a new White House pet. Almost every president, and a lot of the VP's, have made the long journey to the White House, furry,...
Welcome to the administration of Comrade Trump. We know that the Russian government, under the direct guidance of Vladimir Putin, hacked into the American election with the hope of getting Trump into the White House. Now we...
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) have introduced a Constitutional amendment to place term limits on legislators. Donald Trump mentioned imposing term-limits during his campaign. However, it will be a challenging fight for him. In...
Donald Trump has once again taken to Twitter to have a public fight with the United States Intelligence services. This is simply not the behavior of an American President. It is not the way we expect...
Oh, come on, Donald Trump. Come on, already. Admit it. The Russians totally hacked the DNC and released information so they could influence the election. The Democrats know it. The Russians sure as hell know it. The...
Pamela Ramsey Taylor, who posted an offensive racist slur against First Lady Michelle Obama on her Facebook page will be looking for a job as 2017 dawns and her big hero Donald Trump takes the...
It's been a disgustingly fascinating few weeks as we watch President-elect Donald Trump constructing his new oil We have a Secretary of State nominee who has spent his entire career working for Exxon Mobile. One...
President-elect Donald Trump continues to send shock waves through the nation. Information about whom he is considering for various key jobs has been leaking out at an alarming rate. And the names are a who's...
How ridiculous are Donald Trump's claims that he would have won the popular vote if "millions" of people hadn't voted illegally? So much so that even over at Fox News they're making fun of the...
Scott Walker, Republican Governor of Wisconsin. You already know he's a jerk. This is the guy who was caught trying to hide his emails after sneaking language into the state budget that drastically changed the purpose of...
Well, that was fast. President-elect Donald Trump told CBS News that once he becomes President, he will tone down his Twitter presence. On the 60 Minutes episode which aired tonight, Trump said that he was happy to...
Republicans have attempted to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – Obamacare – more than 60 times since it was passed into law in 2010. Obamacare was one of the most popular punching...
After having come through the ugliest and most vicious presidential campaign in American history, the country now finds itself trying to heal. As has been true for the past eight years, we have been able to...