Wednesday, February 19, 2025
After over two decades at Fox News, Bill O'Reilly has finally been removed from the network due to being a serial sexual harasser who allegedly made comments of an inappropriate sexual nature to at least...
Don’t be fooled, just last year in an interview with David Letterman, President-elect Donald Trump agreed 100% with Letterman that burning the flag was a form of “expression.” Recently Trump came out with a Twitter post...
On Thursday, it was announced that President Trump will be appointing Kirstjen Nielsen to serve as head of the Department of Homeland Security. Nielsen replaces John Kelly, who is now Trump's chief of staff. So Kellyanne Conway...
This Right Wing Nut Job, Cindy Jacobs is particularly nutty. She thinks Americans are "polluting" foreign countries with gay pride flags, same sex marriage and equal rights for the LGBT community. Cindy Jacobs and her husband,...
Philando Castile
I’m sure if you are someone who watches the news or are a keen social media user you will have noticed a trend of “trigger happy police.” You've heard all the names of the victims: Philando...
Seems The Simpsons did have that coveted time machine after all. We all know they predicted the political rise of Donald Trump 16 years ago.  So on Sunday, they took the metaphysical, dialed it up...
Just as he did at the first debate, last night Donald Trump was sniffing incessantly. Not long after the debate started, Twitter lit up with the hashtag #sniffles, and that same hashtag is trending this morning....
In case you needed a reason not to drink Bud Light, I have one for you. Not only is Bud Light gross, but the company made the disgusting decision to invite Ted Nugent to perform...
Lydia Cummings, 24, a reporter for the TV station Azteca Puebla
A TV reporter was caught on camera letting flood victims carry her through a puddle. Initially she received harsh criticism for appearing to care more about her fancy shoes than the story she was there...
Soft spoken liar Ben Carson
Ben Carson seemed to imply recently that CNN anchor John Berman may have a shady past when he responded to a question about Corey Lewandowski, Donald Trump's embattled campaign manager. Appearing on CNN's "At This...
At his rambling, combative, and self-destructive press conference Tuesday afternoon, President Trump asked a reporter to define what the term "alt-right" meant to her. When the reporter hesitated, Trump got irritated and mocked her. But...
On December 14 of last year, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted three to two along party lines to repeal regulations protecting the free and open internet, known as net neutrality. This means Internet Service Providers (ISP) are now legally permitted...
President Donald Trump spent the entire Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) speech attacking the legitimate media. Trump called the media the "enemy of the people." Those of us who know that his rhetoric is motivated...
The British are well-known for their dry, sarcastic sense of humor. The aftermath of the controversial vote which saw the United Kingdom vote to leave the European Union has sparked anger across the country, and one...
Just when you think Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, can't get any worse, he goes and does this. He actually called for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's assassination. He was at a rally in North Carolina...
A film producer in Los Angeles has started tweeting the one-note introductions to female characters in order to show how sexist and cliché the industry really is. Despite having posted less than 50 tweets, Ross Putman...
When Andrew Cuomo sat down to discuss issues of police brutality in light of the shootings of Michael Brown and Eric Garner with Jay-Z, Fox Nation and the New York Post could only describe Cuomo's...
If you saw the State of the Union address last night--President Obama's last--then you may have noticed Speaker of the House Paul Ryan sitting stonefaced no matter what the President said. I'm convinced President Obama...
Fox News correspondent Sean Hannity has further proven that he is absolutely, 100-percent full of shit. He got on his radio show, and he actually said: “Nobody picked on Malia and Sasha, no conservative that I...
Representative Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) is obviously way out of touch with his constituents. He talked about the Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and he actually said: "Just like Jesus said, 'The poor will always...