Tag: CNN

Rather Than Talk About Trump’s Anti-Semitic Tweet, His Shill Blames Dems...

Earlier this morning on CNN, yet another Trump shill, Jeffrey Lord, attempted to minimize the tweet Trump sent out last week showing a photo...

Corey Lewandowski Got A New Job And The Donald Is Not...

Being fired from a job is very embarrassing. It can really hurt your pride. However, could you imagine your former employer getting mad when you...

WATCH: CNN Host SLAPS DOWN Rudy Giuliani For His Islamophobia

For my money, few members of the Republican Party have the ability to annoy and outrage me more than former New York City mayor...

RNC Spokesman Tries To Defend Trump’s Racist Comments, Fails Miserably (Video)

Pity the poor Republicans. They have watched for months as the Donald Trump--aka the Orange Menace--gained more and more power, accumulated millions of votes,...

CNN Host: Warren Would Be Bad VP Pick For Hillary Because...

Last night, history was made when Hillary Clinton became the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party, the first woman to ever head a ticket...

Trump Co-Chair: Media Calls The Donald Racist Because ‘It Always Pushes...

No matter how much Donald Trump tries to deny he's a bigoted, racist pile of human excrement, his own words--along with those of his...
North Korea

Watch Donald Trump Go Into Full Meltdown On CNN (WITH VIDEO)

By now, seeing Donald Trump go into meltdown on the campaign trail has become a common sight. But it's going to be awfully hard...

CNN Host Asks Trump: Where’s The Evidence You Were Opposed To...

If Donald Trump was thinking of using his supposed opposition to the Iraq War as a way of criticizing Hillary Clinton, he might want...

WATCH! Hispanic Lawyer Slams Racist Trump On The Air (Video)

Ana Navarro is a Republican strategist. She is a CNN commentator. She is a Hispanic woman, as well as a lawyer. To say that Navarro...

CNN Host Fact Checks, Then SHUTS DOWN Trump Supporter For Her...

On CNN today, a supporter of Donald Trump attempted to defend the Donald for the millions of dollars he stole from hardworking people via...

WATCH: Marco Rubio On Trump: ‘I Give Him Credit’ For Calling...

Former GOP presidential candidate Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) has come under fire recently for endorsing Donald Trump for president. It seems the junior Senator from...

WATCH: Sanders Attacks CNN Host For Pointing Out He Cannot Win...

How exactly do you know a campaign has gone on for too long? When your candidate refuses to accept the math which confronts him....

WATCH: Hillary Clinton Calls Trump ‘Divisive, Dangerous, Unmoored’

Speaking to CNN earlier today, Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton was not shy about leveling strong criticism at presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump, calling him...

Trump Press Representative Crashes And Burns During CNN Interview (Video)

Well, we've now established yet another fact about the Trump for President campaign: the people who work for him are just as stupid as...

WATCH: CNN Host Calls Out Trump’s Campaign Manager For Denying ‘John...

This has been, to say the least, an interesting week for presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump. Despite the sweetness and light that seemed to...

WATCH: Former Arizona Governor Thinks That The Women Thing Has Gone...

While the Republican Party is busy collapsing upon itself, random governors and pundits have come out of the burning Republican house with asinine opinions...
Donald Trump Campbell Brown

Former CNN Anchor Blasts TV News For Donald Trump’s Success

Former CNN Anchor Campbell Brown ripped her former colleagues in the TV news business and laid the responsibility for Donald Trump’s rise smack-dab at...
Michelle Fields at the 2013 Young Americans for Liberty convention (image courtesy Gage Skidmore, available under a Creative Commons BY-SA license)

CNN Host Demands Michelle Fields Apologize To Aide Who Assaulted Her...

On Sunday morning, Michelle Fields dropped by CNN for her first national interview since prosecutors in Florida announced they wouldn't prosecute Donald Trump campaign manager Corey...

Angry Trump Supporter Says Mexico Will Pay For Wall Or Get...

You may have noticed that Donald Trump is not the only angry person in his campaign. Just last week his campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski,...

WATCH: CNN Host Shuts Down Trump Spokesperson, Ends Interview

An interview segment on CNN went off the rails last night when a spokesperson for Donald Trump attempted to hijack the conversation and lead...