Let's get real.
It's getting ugly out there. White cops killing unarmed Black men, the necessary removal of our Confederate monuments, the "free speech" event at Berkeley turning violent, and the terrorist attack by a white...
Prepare yourselves kids; this rant is not for the faint of heart. Lots of venom, finger pointing, and rude sexual commentary -- with a wall-spattering spray of science to glue it all together.
First of all, while...
Could you imagine? What if this film actually existed?
What if it was undeniable that President-Elect Donald Trump and other global elites had knowingly involved themselves in the production of something so disgusting and violent? Even...
I listened as they called my President a Muslim. (As if that were a bad thing.) I heard when they called him a monkey. I paid attention when they said he wasn't born here. I watched...
Fuck It! I'm Taking A Xanax.
I can't handle this. One minute, I'm fine... Every fiber in my being knows Hillary Clinton is our next president. I'm elated, calm and getting some good work done.
Then I...
Is today’s crop of Right-wingers nothing more than the end result of a devious GOP experiment?
Trump supporters: (Theory)
A petri dish of diseased bipedal bigots living out lives they believe are their own — but are...
"Hi, roommate! I just folded your laundry instead of masturbating!"
Well, I'm going straight to Hell. Ashamedly, I was thinking more about the dude doing what he's telling us not to do, than not doing what...
Oh my! Angry Kitty.
Yes, it would be easy to look at this roid-raging racist asshole like this: the Whiter, dumber, and more rurally zipcoded you are... The more Trump worshipping ignorance, xenophobia, and bigotry you...
Is today's crop of Right-wingers nothing more than the end result of a devious GOP experiment?
Trump supporters: (Theory) A petri dish of diseased bipedal bigots living out lives they believe are their own -- but are...
This is a manifesto from someone on the Christian Left. That someone happens to be me. My name is Kyle Neven — and I am Christian.
This is my truth.
I’m sorry if it hurts.
Truth often does.
And from...